Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Boiling water hissed and heaved within dilapidated walls ; whence , also , the glare and roar of flames came issuing forth ; and mounds of ashes blocked up rights of way , and wholly changed the law and custom of the neighbourhood .
2 The drivers roared round tight corners and skilfully navigated a twisty , bendy and muddy course .
3 Although ‘ orthodox ’ theory disregards orthogenesis ( often confusing it with rectilinearity ) the existence of ‘ laws of growth ’ was recognised by Darwin , although he failed to synthesise their role in relation to the environment and vastly overemphasised the power and importance of natural selection .
4 This is vital information for any understanding of prehistoric motivation and vastly increases the range of data available from a ceremonial site .
5 But if this food is in short supply and the whole population is in danger of dying out , then cannibalism makes sense : it maximises the food supply and vastly increases the chance that some at least of the tadpoles will survive .
6 These were the gig mills , which raised the nap on the cloth prior to shearing and vastly shortened the time needed compared with the old hand method , and shearing frames , which by mechanically aligning the heavy forty-pound shears reduced the time taken to a quarter .
7 At the same time as the petition was being circulated , the Action Committee wrote and widely circulated a letter that anyone , anywhere , could send to their own MPs .
8 In private , politicians discuss the wisdom of membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism and widely predict a devaluation within the ERM whichever party is in power next weekend .
9 Consigned for sale by Alexander Klee , grandson of Paul Klee who was given the painting by Kandinsky in exchange for one of his own , it is a sketch for ‘ Composition VII ’ of 1913 , now in the State Tretyakov Gallery , Moscow , and widely considered the artist 's most innovative painting of that year .
10 But if the chance for a fair electoral system is lost at least we should have played to what strength there is in a single member system and properly recognised the individual communities of the U K. That chance has been missed without review and on that grounds I do n't believe this review should go through .
11 He submitted that it was reached at a time when the essential principles of the law of negligence were established and properly represented the result of the application of those principles .
12 ( 3 ) Counsel rightly did not apply for a discharge of the jury following D 's evidence ; the judge gave a careful direction to the jury advising them not to be affected by what D said in relation to TJ and properly warned the jury of the dangers in identification evidence .
13 In the model the Arctic ozone hole appeared as a direct result of the changes in circulation induced by both doubling the amount of CO 2 and properly representing the radiative feedbacks of the evolving ozone distribution .
14 Unless Council has a change of heart , however , and both publishes details of the results of the consultation and properly addresses the legitimate concerns expressed , it may find the changes fail to win the backing of the people who matter — the nurses themselves .
15 ( 2 ) The purchaser may have no confidence in either the vendor 's ability or the vendor 's intention to fully and properly disclose the liabilities of the company .
16 They were chatting ; Robyn returned to the hob and nervously added the rest of the ingredients to the sauce .
17 He ruminated on the idea and nervously plucked a cigarette from the green onyx box beside the telephone .
18 Rooney grinned and nervously ran a wet hand under his cap , smoothing his tousled hair .
19 Owen reached through the branches to the bridle of Isambard 's horse , that stood tossing his head and nervously trampling the path .
20 and nervously steer the wobbling steels
21 Dr Courtney was also found guilty of drugging and raping a woman who went to him for advice about work , and indecently assaulting a German student and a 17-year-old when they went to his surgery for part-time jobs .
22 Man charged : Steven Leach , 35 , of The Close , Walton , appeared at Liverpool today charged with abducting and indecently assaulting a boy of four , and was remanded in custody until Friday , after a massive police search .
23 A 39-year-old man admitted kidnapping two 13-year-old schoolgirls , raping one and indecently assaulting the other , before stabbing them with a three-foot-long ceremonial sword and leaving them for dead in the forest .
24 She ogled the portrait of Beau Brummell , and intimately massaged the full-length marble statue of George IV .
25 Unlike the central character struggling in the movement of history in its unfolding , the communist narrator , distanced from the events themselves , coolly and relentlessly exposes the myths and illusions of the period with the hindsight of history .
26 Cranmer , who will be 78 on September 10 , is mentally alert and avidly follows the fortunes of his beloved Warwickshire through the newspapers .
27 We talked with our students about the freedoms of college life , and suggested that they might judge whether or not certain behaviour was ‘ age appropriate ’ by looking at the nursery nurses ( incorrectly and naïvely assuming the latter would unfailingly provide the models we sought ! ) .
28 There is no more exacting a yardstick of free-market principles than the pop charts , where the successful bask unashamedly in the spotlight and conspicuously consume the fruits of their success , while scant sympathy is expended on the failures .
29 Keep low and vigorously throw the rig across the board ( to the right ) before attempting to sheet in
30 We will be making regular reports to the AEA Audit Committee in the interim and vigorously pursuing the remaining actions as an integral part of our strategy for commercial success . ’
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