Example sentences of "and [conj] the first " in BNC.

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1 Particularly in the business of softer drugs , where the taxes can be lower and the restrictions less onerous , and where the first trial steps towards legalisation should take place , it would undermine the ‘ risk premium ’ that provides drug cartels with their profits .
2 Sir David said the private sector would be invited to participate in the project , and that the first of two runways should be open in early 1997 .
3 Her excuse for this piece of academic snobbery was that classes were held there in lecture theatres and that the first desk would be too far away from the chalkboard .
4 It is nonetheless a matter of deep regret that the Board has had to depart from this project and that the first of these care centres on Whalsay , which would have been opened in November nineteen ninety one had the agreement been left unaltered , was still not open at the beginning of this month .
5 However , the first step must be for us to achieve recognition at the level of official LEA policy that special educational provision begins with what the regular class teacher is doing in the classroom , and that the first responsibility of special needs teachers is to help class teachers meet special needs themselves .
6 The grounds of the cross-appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge had correctly held that a mortgagee 's right to costs , charges and expenses whether founded on equitable principles or an implied contract could always be varied , restricted or enlarged by the express terms of the mortgage and that the first defendant was entitled a full indemnity against the costs , charges and expenses on a true construction of the words used in the mortgage deeds other than the guarantee and mortgage debenture dated 6 June 1986 .
7 In sales training we quote ‘ that people buy people and that the first impression is often the most important ’ .
8 I can confirm that 486 vehicles for new Networker trains are being manufactured at a total cost of £365 million and that the first of those trains will come into service on my hon. Friend 's line in May this year .
9 Sadly , the latest evidence suggests that , despite the delays , Philips may still not be ready with video at the launch and that the first CD-I consumer players will be sold with an expansion slot for a FMFFV cartridge upgrade , available at a later stage .
10 And if the first batch of 700 pigs is not enough for the test , the Bonn defence ministry has earmarked a budget of £77,000 to buy more of the live targets .
11 It will be the usual exhaustive ballot procedure and if the first vote does not give an overall majority to one of the candidates there will be an adjournment for fifteen or twenty minutes in the same room to give candidates the opportunity to withdraw .
12 Again , this all helps with cementing the initial relationship and if the first impression is a good one , the practitioner is off to a flying start , which could help if there are difficulties at a later stage with the transaction .
13 In the latter years of the last century and until the first world war , American massemployment industry and the less agreeable urban occupations drew their workforce extensively from eastern Europe as well as from the labour surplus of American farms .
14 no cos it can , apparently it can get like that , sort of all yelling and shouting and and the first day I was there I was s sitting there sitting and stuffing envelopes
15 It is essential that a thorough selection trawl of new books is made , because important titles must be put into stock before they have a chance to go out of print , and because the first year or two after publication is the time that books are usually in most demand .
16 Care programming may come fairly low down the list of priorities for social services , especially as the 1992/93 community care plans were likely to be preoccupied with the other community care reforms to be instituted by April 1993 ( National Council for Voluntary Organisations , 1992 ) and because the first year of the plans was experimental and so they were probably cautious in their aims .
17 While this work is proceeding , and while the first wave of self-governing trusts and GP budgets are established , competition will be limited to a narrow band of services , such as waiting list surgery .
18 Both use circulating wires to cut smooth faces in the early Carboniferous limestone , and whereas the first was used to build the high monument to the Grande Armee that overlooks Boulogne ( with Napoleon at the top firmly turning his back on England ) , the Indiana quarry produced the stone facings for the Empire State Building in New York .
19 Accounts differ as to when the unit insignia was first worn , but several of the ‘ Originals ’ maintain that it was at the end of the training period and before the first operation .
20 This jump occurs after the paragraph corresponding to the last link from a node and before the first paragraph associated with the next node .
21 The Midlander took Moffatt out of his stride with his fast , unorthodox boxing and before the first round was out Moffatt was sporting a cut over his left eye , which later needed stitches .
22 Neither he nor Charlotte had intended to stay there long , But they continued renting the house for fourteen years , and after the First World War they bought it — after which it became known as Shaw 's Corner .
23 He was a Fellow of New College from 1930 to 1937 , when the Warden was H. A. L. Fisher who had been President of the Board of Education under Lloyd George during and after the First World War ( and who deserves a book to himself ) .
24 To her disappointment Nahum only seemed to visit the old and sick , and after the first few days he no longer took her with him , having suffered embarrassment each time he introduced his new wife whose youth could n't be disguised .
25 Talk to users themselves however , and after the first half dozen you will have concluded that drug use is a spiritual phenomenon .
26 Using just four rows of pattern , this sample was worked on the Singer Big Nine and after the first four rows was extremely easy to work .
27 The existing relief applies to exchanges both before and after the first deemed disposal .
28 The wondrous feast that Constant Drachenfels placed before them contained paralysing poisons , and after the first mouthful none of the guests could move .
29 Although modern America and Western Europe , as well as Russia and Eastern Europe , are different in some respects from the type of society with which Freud was familiar before and after the First World War , there is still great value in Freud 's conceptualizations for understanding some problems in these societies .
30 The trip down would start off quietly for a while , everyone busily engaged in talking with friends , but soon the holiday spirit would prevail and after the first stop , singing would start , and then arriving at our destination , coaches to be unloaded , mountains of food carted on to the sands , and the task of enjoying oneself began .
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