Example sentences of "and [conj] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 It will be evident that these united designs compete under considerable disadvantage with the single designs , and that unless a united design should be superior in both departments to all its single competitors , it could not receive a prize because one portion of it could hardly be executed without the other .
2 12–7– They dealt with " Mary Trotter who before joining the Free Church has been guilty of antenuptial fornication and that while a communicant . "
3 Hering realized that disease was the result of imbalance somewhere in the body and that if a true cure was to be effected , the imbalance had to be corrected .
4 Agit-pop records about the north of Ireland are few and far between , most radical acts seemingly all too willing to swallow the ‘ official ’ British government line — that both sides are as bad as each other ( they 're mad , these Irish ) and that if a few , crazed ‘ terrorists ’ would just stop murdering people everything would be OK .
5 Mr. Arlidge 's argument is as follows : The word ‘ defer ’ in this context means ‘ put off ’ or ‘ postpone ’ or ‘ delay ’ and that if a trial takes place after a time which is obviously longer than that normally required for the preparation of a trial of that nature , then there has been the kind of delay prohibited by the statute .
6 He promised that the resistance would not lay down its arms until the last Soviet soldier had left Afghanistan and that if a deal was made over their heads the guerrillas would continue fighting even if foreign help were withdrawn .
7 Does he agree that the price being paid by 2.5 million unemployed this Christmas is too high , and that if a price has to be paid for the economic mess that our country is in , it should be paid in full by himself and his ragbag of right hon. Friends ?
8 The comparative absence of protest in the fifteenth century may be explained simply by the fact that depopulation was less of a social problem , and that if a lord evicted tenants , they still had a reasonable prospect of finding land elsewhere .
9 It was found that the decision of the GMC to prevent advertising in the press was a lawful exercise of the statutory powers conferred on it by s35 of The Medical Act 1983 , and that if a statutory power was exercised intra vires , reasonably and in accordance with the purpose of the Act conferring the power , ( even though it restricted the plaintiff 's freedom to trade or practice his profession ) the court could not review the exercise of the power on the basis that it caused a restraint of trade , since the exercise of the power in accordance with the policy and the purpose of the Act could not be contrary to public policy and any review by the court would be unconstitutional .
10 " This Meeting being informed that Cart Drivers are very inattentive as to their Conduct upon the road with Carts It is now recommended that all Travellers upon the road shall take to the Left in all situations , and that when a Traveller upon the road shall loose a shew of his horse , the Parochial Blacksmith shall be obliged to give preference to the Traveller . "
11 My Noble Friend is absolutely right er it is a er essential that the erm hospital does have a good discharge policy that there are community facilities to support people once they leave hospital er and My Lords we know that with some of the new procedures that are now being introduced er that is possible and that when a patient comes in for treatment , a discharge policy is worked out almost immediately so that the support services can be given when the time comes for that person to leave .
12 Certainly with regard to the accusations of the officers , he should have told the jury that such accusations , particularly those not supported by evidence , did not amount to evidence in the case and that where a defendant declined to reply the net result of the questions and answers was nil .
13 And if if a certain family gets stuck in with another family and they 're both trouble causers and they both get moved to the same area it 's gon na cause trouble in that area so they ought to say , Right fifty there , fifty there ,
14 testament , that 's just quite enough , it 's just a just th the Jewish thing filled out slightly and and and a little bit less rules and , you know , i it 's very , very lovely !
15 Next morning Lucy felt heavy-eyed and as though a dark cloud hung over her head .
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