Example sentences of "and [adv] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SERAFIN : And thereby have time and energy left to enjoy the open fire which is by our very preference not there to enjoy ?
2 And she added : ‘ Northallerton has two specialist nurses , and so have Bishop Auckland so why are they not available at Darlington 's Memorial hospital ?
3 ‘ I have been involved in play-offs and so have Middlesbrough .
4 Deepwater creatures are few and far between and so have difficulty finding mates .
5 The union claimed great achievements ; " Register Tickets or Seamen 's Passports abolished , forced payments to the Merchant Seamen 's Fund gone the same road ; coal whipping ( i.e. the discharge of relatively small amounts of coal at minor ports which on the Thames was the job of " eight licensed coal-whippers , who are all able bodied men , with one basket-man to every vessel " ) by Seamen in the Thames has received its death blow ; the coasting trade has been relieved from the officiousness of a Shipping Master ; small stores , or payments instead , has been allowed ; WAGES have RISEN , and so have FREIGHTS ; ships sailed by members of the society are better manned ; and lastly , the improvements in the law have helped slightly to ameliorate the condition of Seamen as a class " .
6 Possible explanations for these findings are that women are more likely to consult their doctors and so have blood tests , which may lead to an earlier diagnosis of coeliac disease than in men .
7 I 've been part of Jewish life — and so have Rainbow and all her kind , and all the other heretics and deviants and dissenters — far longer than your little cult . ’
8 And so have mine .
9 The girls continued to giggle and scream and run and hide and generally have fun with their father , whom they adored and knew they could do as they liked with — especially , Katya , the middle one and the liveliest .
10 it ai n't very often I go in for something other than chips and not have chips as well you know
11 ( 9 ) The directors of an offeror company and the target company must , in advising their respective shareholders , act in the interests of shareholders taken as a whole and the interests of employees and creditors and not have regard to their own interests or those of their families .
12 Well it 's it works best with people who =r mildly depressed in fact , l less so with very severely depressed people , but that is the great majority of people , one in three women with children under the age of five are depressed , for example , so it 's a huge advantage for them to be able to take it and not have side effects .
13 It may just be an extremist minority within a minority that would take offence , but one company told PEN it would rather just take the easy way out and not have pigs .
14 ‘ I run a menswear shop and already have clients who have made appointments .
15 ‘ I run a menswear shop and already have clients who have made appointments .
16 In addition , registration does not create a priority point in the sense that the chargee is guaranteed priority from the date of registration ; this is because if A registers have charge on 21 January he has no guarantee that the company has not created a charge prior to this which may be registered within 21 days and thus have priority .
17 I said something like , well , I was trying to make her feel at ease , oh , something like , we could make a habit of this , and just have fun , Lucy .
18 When dealing with a telephone enquiry it is essential that all the necessary information is at the fingertips of the receptionist as nothing is more irritating on the telephone than hesitancy through lack of knowledge or being asked to hang on whilst information is being looked up — and always have alternatives to offer if the first choice is not available .
19 These are not themes which will become out of date but they are timeless which means that this novel will still be ready and still have relevance in the future .
20 Does the Minister agree that , in the present state of affairs , some parts of the country have too much money in the social fund and still have money over after meeting all claims , low and high priority , which are legitimate ?
21 • when you could buy all of the top five best-selling singles and still have change form a pound ?
22 I had a bike and could pedal down to Middleton in Teesdale , meet Marie , take her to the pictures — not the best seats mind — then buy us both fish and chips and still have change out of that two bob .
23 spend it all night and still have change .
24 You can repay that sixty pounds and still have change .
25 ‘ With the money I 'm prepared to pay you for your half of the house you could buy a more than adequate little base for yourself — and still have change left to indulge in a few luxuries . ’
26 And now we have CDs and all , you could squeeze in the St Matthew Passion and still have room for the rest .
27 You could climb in there with her and still have room to conduct Beethoven 's Fifth Symphony .
28 A reader has pointed out to me : ‘ It is quite unreasonable for you to criticise the scheme since it may not be generally known that any Senior Manager is able to purchase a top-of-the-range BMW K Series four-cylinder model anti-lock brakes , black paint finish , radio etc and still have funds to spare . ’
29 Although the Church of the period lamented Charles ' sexual vigour and lack of suppressive morality , to the modern imagination it seems remarkable that he could rule a vast empire and still have time to devote to three concubines .
30 They would throw the ball against a wall , do one or more twirls and still have time to catch when it came down .
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