Example sentences of "and [pron] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 The Substitute had refused the chair offered to him , choosing instead to wander about the room , taking brief puffs on his cigar and regarding everything and everyone with an amused detachment that gave the impression of his being mildly surprised but pleased at having to perform the office of Public Prosecutor .
2 The Patois index therefore tells us everything and nothing about an individual speaker : it tells us whether that person uses many or few Patois features overall in their talk , but nothing about how he or she uses Patois and English as part of a communicative strategy .
3 ‘ I was only a small child when my parents sent my brother and me to an orphanage .
4 The cylinder was filled with a compressed chemical that would have smothered both Sweetman and me in an avalanche of nauseating foam .
5 It ai n't funny , y'know , gettin' a steamroller to come up and suffocate me , and me in an unwell condition .
6 in March and one for an hour .
7 They were both born by Caesarean , one under general anaesthetic and one under an epidural .
8 Matched pairs of applications were sent for each post — one with an English name and one with an Asian name .
9 The result was to be a House of Commons with a greater legitimacy in the eyes of MPs and electors and one with an ability to assert itself in its relationship with government .
10 So far , I 've given two to friends in hospital and one to an elderly neighbour , who 's begged me to let her have another one so that she can pass the first one on .
11 Two hit Tel Aviv , one hit the port of Haifa , three landed in unpopulated areas and one at an undisclosed location .
12 We prepared two units of competence , one on a non-autopsied body four pages long and one on an autopsied body five pages long .
13 If any ambiguity remained , either because multiple readings survived or because some anaphor had several surviving candidates , common sense inference rules were invoked to look for a causal or other link between a proposition in the current sentence and one in an earlier one .
14 Candidates identified with fundamentalist Islamic groups won six of the 11 contested seats ; four seats were won by candidates with PLO links and one by an independent .
15 From Bath , I received one letter from an organisation and one from an individual .
16 He was a radical and something of an agnostic , and read a long paper on the evils of war at the Union Society at a time when such views were certainly not popular .
17 ‘ Mr Wycliffe , Matthew was a dealer in rare books and something of an authority , why would he consult me ? ’
18 ‘ For a while the cricket club was badly funded and something of an outcast .
19 Gandhi 's insistence that real conversion is a matter of the heart , and something between an individual and his God , makes him view with suspicion the authenticity of many so-called conversions .
20 At this date such illustrations were uncommon even in engineering , where drawing was becoming both a serious matter and something like an art form .
21 I have perfume , Panadols , heaps of tissues — mostly used — and everything from an umbrella to lipstick , diaries , clips and pens .
22 I mean even when I was small you would n't use thee and thou to an older person .
23 The hospice aims to beat its previous record of £1,400 , and anyone with an hour or more to spare on the day should contact Deirdre Shaw or Dorothy Davison on .
24 Human beings possess the ability to experience subjectively the objects in their environment and themselves as an object in it .
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