Example sentences of "and [pron] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's very , they are talking about er other issues up to they are talking about the workforce and of the erm the the report from the and er it seems that they do n't really want much to programme forward which I have put for next year very structural maintenance of the and I what the services are actually doing , they have lost council probably say that they are out of control .
2 As long as you go at a slow , steady pace , the job can be done and you none the wiser .
3 We have one of the best fire services and the best brigades in this country Mr Chairman and you none the least Mr Chairman on some of you recent visits and meeting some of our fire personnel are more than aware we are the the best equipped , the cheapest brigade and our chaps and girls in Leicestershire , the morale is very high , regardless of what 's going on around the pay dispute at the moment and I think that we need to show our support to those fire personnel and provide the adequate funding for the southern fire station .
4 But using the the technicians and who who the main ones Robert and Bill
5 May and she she an old boy come in in the week , Carole had Friday afternoon off an old boy was knocking at all these doors and something to do with erm put a tape recorder in your house
6 Just because he had by now become an important agent of the Roman rule , and one whom the Romans trusted , he felt the need of continuing his history from 166 to 146 to show how the Romans had behaved .
7 When that work is taken away , the dog becomes a luxury and one which the simple people of that time could not afford .
8 To accept the truth of these accounts is a simple but giant step , and one which the academic and professional community is by its own self-definition incapable of taking : a social group which bases its very existence on its own claims to cleverness would risk its life if it opened even one ear to the voices of fools and heretics , especially when the topic itself is about foolishness in the form of ‘ learning difficulties ’ .
9 The queen 's presence in sanctuary with her second son , the duke of York , was an embarrassment and one which the council , at least , probably wanted to resolve .
10 But where the decision is reached on the basis of two quite separate considerations , one which is relevant and one which the authority is not entitled to take into account , the court must decide which was the dominant consideration .
11 I was thinking of a slightly less permanent way and one which the Chancellor 's made slightly more expensive .
12 When Sir John Donaldson was appointed to succeed Lord Denning in July 1982 , this was seen as a strongly political appointment and one which the Prime Minister favoured .
13 The kingdom of Fib ( Fife ) with Forthreve ( Kinross-shire ) , possibly a dependent territory of Fortriu and one which the Northumbrian Cuthbert visited as prior of Melrose in the course of his pastoral responsibilities , was probably also subjugated .
14 The debate on energy policy is a vital one , and one which the G M B as the only union with a sizable membership in all of the industries concerned , is well placed to lead .
15 It is a programme for victory at the next general election and one which the people will support .
16 It is an exciting and fascinating story and one which the visitor to excavated Pompeii seems to re-live .
17 The queen 's presence in sanctuary with her second son , the duke of York , was an embarrassment and one which the council , at least , probably wanted to resolve .
18 Lawyers may rightly point out that this does not constitute , of itself , an effective restriction on any statutory power or discretion , but it is an important statement of policy , and one which the statutory and voluntary guardians of amenity will seize upon whenever it is infringed .
19 I do think there are problems and difficulties , I do n't think it will be easy , not least because we do n't have a shared morality and a shared consensus , on the objectives for the voluntary sector , but it is a set of concerns which we must address , er , and I believe that if , if I 've done nothing else today , I 've kicked off a debate , or I 've contributed to a debate which was already rolling , erm , and that we must address those difficulties , and try and find ways through them , because there are opportunities as well as threats in the current situation and I believe we have to look at all of those er , so that we can move into the nineteen nineties which I believe will be a very exciting period for the voluntary sector , and one which the voluntary sector should er , see as exciting , grab the opportunities and move forward .
20 One which the developer would prefer and one which the local authority and maybe sustainability policies would prefer .
21 It 's an indictment on our society that The Porch is regarded as their home , and we 're only open for five hours a day , and yet they regard us as their family , and what we the servers are for them is the parents that they lack .
22 ‘ But what I saw as the character and what they the writers saw did n't match up at all . ’
23 And our our the baby she sleeps in bed with us , you know cos we 're frightened in case owt gets bunged through the window , you know it might hit her , so we put her in bed with us .
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