Example sentences of "and [prep] other [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This booklet has been prepared to give general information about adapting your homes and about other options that may help you establish and maintain independence .
2 I think this argument 's about the benefit of the countryside is somewhat debatable to say the least And these arguments that are put about why we should n't ban fox hunts because of all the benefits and the tradition are exactly the same arguments that were put about otters and about badgers and about other sports that we have , that we no longer consider satisfactory and have opposed .
3 Many lower-level headmen received a legitimate income by retaining a proportion of the fees paid to them for issuing various licences and for other duties .
4 And for other girls in Carlen 's study , the scars of having been in care are more vivid .
5 Thus , the average amount indicated as spent by the authorities with an above average number of programmes was approximately £5,000 , for authorities with a medium number of programmes it was approximately £2,000 , and for other authorities , £600 .
6 Erm , we would n't want the policy to progress so far erm as to get to the stage of looking for a specific site and for us to pull the rug underneath the County , and for other authorities to pull the rug from underneath the County at that stage , erm to answer to Mr Heselton 's specific question , of course we would n't object to a new settlement er in Selby , but erm it does n't erm it does n't detract from our objection to erm the principle of the policy , the way the policy 's expressed .
7 There were fewer ships to be built , less engineering , less steel , less coal , and so less money for shopkeepers and for other goods .
8 It was developed and used primarily during the First World War as a means of preventing dogs , used in the trenches as messengers and for other activities , from betraying their positions by a casual bark .
9 I agree that this scheme is significant not only because of what may be achieved for good in the north-west , but because it can act as a model for planning for other areas and for other denominations .
10 Instead , the work should consider what has culturally negotiated this experience for the artist and for other women whose personal experiences so closely echo her own .
11 Not to have a vote , because of the guillotine and for other reasons , is to fail the very people for whom we should be speaking .
12 My Lords , I think I made it perfectly clear what I did mean er I did qualify it by saying that of course there are times when patients do have to wait on trolleys for diagnostic purposes , for observation and for other reasons er but once an admission has been agreed , then that patient should be admitted , that is our policy and that is what we 're working towards .
13 The carriage of goods for a subsidiary or for a holding company and for other companies which are subsidiaries of the same holding company is generally regarded as own account for these purposes .
14 Anxiety for the primary sufferer and for other members of the family .
15 Love and concern for the primary sufferer and for other members of the family .
16 Hundreds passed through Teheran for the Shah and for other members of the court .
17 Further , if a shopper with some perverted sense of humour , intending only to create confusion and nothing more both for the supermarket and for other shoppers , switches labels , I do not think that that act of label switching alone is without more an appropriation , though it is not difficult to envisage some cases of dishonest label switching which could be .
18 The point is to facilitate discussion of how to change things — how in terms of the title of this book to get Beyond the Inner City , both for Tyneside and for other places like it .
19 The Act provides for the local education authority to ensure that a child identified as having special educational needs is given education within an ordinary school as long as that is compatible with efficient use of resources and efficient education , both for the child concerned and for other children at the school .
20 For those authors completing theses before 1969 , for the most prolific authors , and for ‘ problematic ’ authors ( e.g. those whose citations contained some variations in forenames or initials , so that unambiguous attribution of authorship necessitated further investigation ) , manual searching of BIG was carried out , and for other authors GeoRef was searched online .
21 For those authors completing theses before 1969 , for the most prolific authors , and for ‘ problematic ’ authors ( e.g. those whose citations contained some variations in forenames or initials , so that unambiguous attribution of authorship necessitated further investigation ) , manual searching of BIG was carried out , and for other authors GeoRef was searched online .
22 From the beginning , though , children should be learning to write in other forms and for other purposes .
23 Because incense burns at an even rate and without flame , it is well suited for measuring the division of the religious day and for other purposes .
24 There is thus a duality between waves and particles in quantum mechanics : for some purposes it is helpful to think of particles as waves and for other purposes it is better to think of waves as particles .
25 Is it not high time that a proper review was carried out of exacty what space exists throughout the Palace , so that we can use it well for the benefit of our constituents and for other purposes ?
26 This version of a marketable discharge licence process employs a national airshed , but it could be applied at a state or local level and for other pollutants in the future .
27 The Essenes resided not only in remote desert communities , but also in urban centres , where they maintained houses not only for themselves , but also for wandering brethren from elsewhere and for other itinerants .
28 Right-wing elements were also believed responsible for setting fire to the home of Juan Pablo Cárdenas , editor of the opposition magazine Análisis , on Nov. 24 , and for other attacks against journalists and the media .
29 At intervals throughout the next months he worked on this material , in preparation for his show at the Lefevre Gallery in September 1951 and for other exhibitions .
30 Because no one had any idea of how to treat his illness , Moritz was kept in a locked ward for his own and for other patients ' safety .
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