Example sentences of "and [prep] no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I passed at this point MacArthur said perhaps I would like to hear his summary as a soldier and as no businessman or textile expert .
2 Once in Montrose , Colorado , when he was on location for a small role in John Wayne 's True Grit , he was standing in a bar , scruffy and long-haired , and for no reason at all , one of the locals took a swing at him .
3 I often sleep in my coat , ’ he backed away from her , all the way towards the door ; then on the landing , and for no reason that he could give to himself , he turned and ran not towards his bedroom but across the landing , over the gallery , down the stairs , through the hall to the front door .
4 ( Rapidly ) Has it ever happened to you that all of a sudden and for no reason at all you have n't the faintest idea how to spell the word — " wife " — or " house " — because when you write it down you just ca n't remember ever having seen those letters in that order before … ?
5 I tell you , Minnie , I have fallen from favour of late and through no fault of my own , whereas my husband and son rest high in Mrs Browning 's estimation .
6 How can people be expected to submit detailed applications when , for a variety of social reasons and through no fault of their own , they do not have the wherewithal , information and literacy to express themselves ?
7 The goalkeeper swore he had read the book out of interest and through no need of practical assistance .
8 Someone rightly said that language exists to prevent us communicating , and of no country is that more true than my own .
9 Yo was left of centre but not militant ; in the dying moments of the Japanese administration he was invited to form a transitional administration and agreed to do so , on the basis of the release of political prisoners and of no interference with the organisation of workers , peasants , students and youths .
10 It is most regrettable and of no help to the industry .
11 I thought how the baby would look if it were born now , just a red dead morsel to be wrapped up quickly and thrown away , something disgusting and of no significance , not even fit to be buried as a human being .
12 Moreover , it seemed ironic that South Africa 's reimmersion in the Test arena should be marred by such a local show of disaffection , a boycott naive and myopic in concept and of no relevance to racial reform in the Republic , which may yet have repercussions in the Caribbean game as a whole .
13 Does the Minister recall the remark made by President Yeltsin the other day which so delighted the Prime Minister — that Britain 's nuclear weapons were irrelevant and of no consequence in the discussions about nuclear disarmament ?
14 This proved to be the worst part of the piece — ; dense , incomprehensible , and of no value .
15 ‘ Covenants , without the sword , are but words , and of no strength to secure a man at all . ’
16 A lot of people are of the opinion that they are a very English band and of no interest elsewhere , but I do n't agree .
17 I stood there with the salt spray and the mist damp on my face , and the vastness of it , and the antiquity of the desolate remains behind me , made all my life to date seem insignificant and of no account .
18 The plaintiffs had sought a declaration , by writ issued on 20 July 1988 , that the notice was null and void and of no effect .
19 The Court of Appeal , upholding Foster J. , declared that the notice to quit was invalid and of no effect because the landlords did not require the premises for their undertaking .
20 Mr. Page then petitioned the visitor for a declaration that his purported dismissal was ultra vires and of no effect .
21 It was further provided that if the parties had not agreed the rent six months before the review date , and the landlord had not made the application to the President , then any notice given by the landlord to trigger the review should be void and of no effect .
22 Dorothea prayed , very formally and with no hope whatsoever , for Eleanor Thorne .
23 But in the main her mother had continued to live in her own world and her father in his , and she herself had been waging an inward war of words against the narrowness of her existence and with no hope of seeing a way out : she had given the final ‘ no ’ to Henry Stalwort and convinced Peter Chambers that it was useless him thinking she would change her mind .
24 Allen , ankle-deep in water and with no hope of carrying the ball forward , chalked up his 14th of the season when he unleashed a crashing 25-yard volley which gave goalkeeper Graziani no chance .
25 Alone forever , and with no hope , no joy , no warmth …
26 This was achieved through a carefully planned programme of voluntary redundancies and with no manufacturing disruption or imbalance to the skill mix .
27 Imagine how they must have felt in St Peter 's Square at the start of their journey — apprehensive , isolated and with no knowledge of either Italian , French or German .
28 In such a case the impression is given that Jesus is , as it were on his own , and with no reference needing to be made to the other persons of the trinity , God .
29 Candidates having been selected , and with no reference to that imaginary balanced slate , how does the Irish voter choose between them ?
30 Unable to buy and with no council houses available many agricultural workers are forced to seek accommodation in the only local alternative that is available to them — tied cottages .
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