Example sentences of "and [prep] all [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 True , without error , certain and most true ; that which is above is as that which is below , and that which is below is as that which is above , for performing the miracles of the One Thing ; and as all things were from One , by the mediation of One , so all things arose from this One Thing by adaptation ; the father of it is the Sun , the mother of it is the Moon ; the wind carries it in its belly ; the nurse thereof is the Earth .
2 Furthermore , as scales can begin on any note , and as all notes are equal , there is no ‘ tonic ’ and no effect of ‘ supertonic ’ , ‘ mediant ’ , etc .
3 And as all men know , he was out of the enclave that night , with leave , though leave he got by deceit .
4 And as all sports are matched to your own ability , you can keep up with an old favourite or try your hand at something new .
5 Although the differences between ‘ regular ’ and ‘ problematic ’ opioid users , and between all users and known users , rule out a straightforward comparison of the levels of opioid use in the two areas , it is apparent that Wirral opioid users were more concentrated in the 16–24-year-old population ( 18 per 1,000 ) , and relatively less concentrated in the two older age groups ( about 6 per 1,000 25–34-year-olds and 0.5 per 1,000 35–44-year-olds ) .
6 David Held argues that it is something found ‘ in and between all groups , institutions ( formal and informal ) and societies , cutting across public and private life .
7 In other words , these licks are ‘ moves ’ which give you access to and between all areas of your fretboard in the same key .
8 A strongly integrated approach to the programme , particularly over assessments and between all modules in the programme should be developed .
9 But the rotational periods are correspondingly long and for all states are quite simply related to the rotational constants of the molecules .
10 Not least , the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 which require not only that any organisation employing more than four people must record the results of a health and safety risk assessment and for all employers to implement measures needed to minimise or eliminate hazards identified in their own assessments , but that ( other than sole traders and partnerships ) a ‘ competent person ’ — defined as someone with ‘ sufficient training and experience and knowledge or other qualities ’ — is appointed to help implement compliance with all H&S legislation .
11 Tickets for performances at the Oxford Union and for all concerts may also be obtained from Tickets in Oxford , Information Centre , St Aldate 's , Oxford .
12 In table VII we compared the observed numbers of cases with those expected for lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas , for all other cancers , and for all cancers combined separately for 1963–83 and 1984–90 .
13 Policy discussions at ministerial level appeared to focus mainly on the hoary old issues of which agency should take lead responsibility , ’ but finally , in 1989 , the government took a decision which was considered unthinkable only a year earlier , that is , that local authority social services departments should be given lead responsibility for community care and for all services including mental health , but with some additional controls added in the latter case , the single most controversial of Griffiths ' proposals .
14 And one by one , as they arrived , he organized competitions and prizes : for girls with names beginning with C , and for all cooks , or all housekeepers , and all stablehands under 16 years , and so on — prizes that each was bound to win , being unique to the class .
15 And for all pupils , a ‘ core curriculum ’ has been introduced , ensuring that all children can have a thorough grounding in the most important subjects .
16 For all tastes and for all occasions
17 You may only have seen the property once , and for all sorts of emotive reasons , may have fallen in love with the place .
18 Less than a month later , at the beginning of March 1757 , Miller wrote a letter , now held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania , reporting that promised specimens of Crataegus had not arrived and could not be included in the current edition of the Dictionary ; he repeated his request for Gale asplenii-folio and for all sorts of lilies and Andromeda .
19 You need one for simple jobs like driving picture pins , and for all sorts of other tasks like nailing down loose floorboards and mending fences , not to mention any woodwork you may be assembling .
20 And for all rumours of me read obituary
21 The bed appeared un-made and for all intents and purposes I did n't see her , had I seen her erm the situation would have been very different .
22 A traditional sauce for hot and cold roast beef and for all kinds of smoked fish .
23 The network can be used for short or long term care and for all degrees of mental handicap .
24 It would be a mistake to regard the condition of infancy as one of uniform incapacity throughout and for all purposes .
25 Example 2:6 Right of way : unlimited times and vehicles The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right to pass and repass ( but not to park or except in emergency to stop ) with or without vehicles at all times and for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) over the road coloured on the attached plan Example 2:7 Right of way : limited times and vehicles ; right to load , etc The right in common with the landlord and all others having the like right to pass and repass on foot and with vehicles not exceeding … feet in length or … tonnes ( unladen weight ) at any time between 6 am on Monday and 8 pm on Friday in each week ( except public holidays ) for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) over the road coloured on the attached plan and to park any such vehicle for such period as may be reasonable for the purpose only of loading or unloading it Example 2:8 Right of way : right to load etc in loading bay The right at all times with or without vehicles to pass and repass over the road leading from to the demised property ( but not to halt or park any vehicle thereon except in case of emergency ) for all purposes connected with the use of the demised property and the right for the same purposes to use the loading bay coloured on the attached plan for loading and unloading any such vehicle ( b ) Stairs and passages In a lease of property on an upper floor of a building there will be implied an easement of necessity to use a staircase that is its sole means of access ( Altmann v Boatman ( 1963 ) 186 EG 109 ) .
26 For children who encounter educational difficulties we have the services of our Learning Support Department and for all children we have Enrichment Staff who can extend their learning .
27 I am simply denying that God ( whatever we may mean by God ) could be of such a kind that God could intervene in human history , or be revealed through particular events in history , or through a particular person , in a way in which God is not potentially present to us in and through all acts and persons .
28 The weather was foul and despite all attempts by the owner to make the property look nice and homely she could n't quite hide the rainwater dripping through ceilings , black mould on walls with associated smells , or its generally poor condition .
29 Carrington never wavered from her suicidal intentions , and despite all efforts to deter her , shot herself in Hungerford 11 March 1932 .
30 ( ii ) The sets of all males , of all females and of all joggers do not form a partition of the human race .
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