Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The greatest areas of concern for tax-payers were about the Revenue 's staff 's apparent lack of authority to deal with certain problems , difficulty in getting through to the right person on the telephone , and about the time it took to resolve problems and answer queries .
2 Not going to school , and having to pretend I did n't live on the island all the time , has meant that I did n't grow up with anybody of my own age ( except Eric , of course , but even he was away for a long time ) , and about the time I was thinking of venturing further afield and getting to know more people Eric went crazy , and things got a bit uncomfortable in the town for a while .
3 In Australia , all launching is done this way , and for a time it was common in the U.S.A. The disadvantages , however , of the low tow position are as follows .
4 His death quite literally shattered the Prince and for a time he lost all sense of purpose .
5 Tony Zanetta : ‘ By this time , I 'd become the President of MainMan and for a time was Ton 's right hand man running errands for him .
6 The general thought he could do better , and for a time considered launching his own party .
7 Abbey Mill ( c1600 ) consisted of no less than four mills , forming a single range across the Mill Avon , and for a time following this , there were five , although the latter was fairly short-lived .
8 In 1866 , after the Prussian victory over Austria , French public opinion clamoured for war against Prussia and for a time even the Emperor appeared to hesitate .
9 Nicholson saw them around Sunset Strip and for a time they were joined by Elvis Presley , who had seen Rebel Without a Cause forty-four times and could speak Dean 's lines word perfect .
10 It destroyed him and for a time he was engulfed by a deep chasm of despair , drinking heavily , taking amphetamines and LSD — and he was in his sixteenth year of smoking marijuana .
11 The inspiration of Alexander is apparent in the portraits of Pompey , the most powerful Roman of his day , and for a time the effective ruler of the eastern Mediterranean .
12 In February 1973 an eruption suddenly burst out on the tiny island of Heimaey , and for a time it seemed as though the town of Heimaey , Iceland 's biggest fishing port , would be destroyed .
13 He chose to do nothing , and for a time remained in a distant castle as a virtual prisoner of conscience .
14 Oil shale was also called ‘ boghead coal ’ , and for a time Scotland supplied ninety per cent of the world 's shale oil output .
15 Coleman got his fees and salary from the College , a daily retainer from the army , and for a time money from the sale of drugs provided for the College and the army .
16 The only other event at Huntingdon that I recall with any clarity was when I had my first ever flight in an aircraft — and for a time I was quite determined that it was going to be my last .
17 Gowing goes on to indicate the health hazard arising from the intense alpha activity of polonium at the Windscale site : ‘ Alpha handling procedures had to be greatly upgraded to deal with polonium , and for a time everyone had to work with respirators …
18 ‘ The transfer talk did get to me , I admit , and for a time I did n't know whether I was going or coming .
19 Fabric boots then multiplied , and for a time they looked like sleeping the market , but their disadvantages in poor conditions did not offset their greater comfort in good ones , and some substantial improvement in waterproofing was needed before this could take place .
20 Unable to get his life and work in gear , Chris Penn changed his name and for a time worked on a building site before earning good money being beaten black and blue as a prize fighter .
21 I and my sisters visited her there when we could , she was always ready to join one in what she called ‘ a dry mart ’ before lunch or in the evening , and for a time seemed content enough .
22 Writer Brian Clark gave me the persona of a middle-class , middle-aged professional with a wife problem and for a time it became my trademark .
23 This aircraft was fitted with only two upper wing fuel tanks , and for a time was used on test flights with four-bladed propellers which , instead of the usual right angles , had angles of 80° and 100° .
24 Its return to Rome towards the end of the fourteenth century resulted in a schism with two , and for a time three , rivals for the papacy .
25 Courses at the London School of Economics , which became social anthropology 's chief centre in Great Britain ( and for a time in the world ) , began with the appointment in 1910 of C. G. Seligman .
26 We started many years ago by believing that innovation and uniqueness would provide the revenue to give us a good return , and for a time it did .
27 Gower , in at No. 5 , was left 18 not out , and for a time it seemed that the match had been swung .
28 A good family resort , Cisternino was once the domain of monks and bishops and for a time came under the rule of the Venetian doges .
29 Phil , a 17-year-old currently in borstal for a cheque book fraud , and for a time one of the most respected ‘ hard men ’ of the London Road End , had these comments to make about his role as an aggro leader :
30 Their emergence in the mid 14605 had alienated Clarence and Warwick , and for a time , in 1469–70 , hostility to the family had become a political issue .
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