Example sentences of "and [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It has been observed that some people switching from using a typewriter to a personal computer can gain up to half a stone a year because they no longer have to get up to consult filing cabinets ; and the same effects can be observed when people use remote-control television , extension phones , lifts and dishwashers .
2 They wore Wellington boots , their corduroy jeans and the same jerseys as yesterday , Kate 's red , Stephen 's navy-blue .
3 A man explained that he was called Ibrahim to keep alive the name of his grandfather 's brother , killed without issue perhaps at the battle of Yellow Hill , or at Kawz , or at Hawaria ; and the same patterns appeared in other genealogies : the names of men without descendants , killed in battle , are recalled for use in a collateral line in later generations .
4 An analysis of the contractual relationship produces the same result and the same consequences .
5 The same law and the same rules of construction apply both to clauses in agreements entered into before a dispute has arisen and subsequent agreements to refer entered into after a dispute has arisen .
6 It 's a plea which we suggest should make the timetable serve the child and not the reverse , and so what we 're doing is we 're saying to children erm ‘ Yes , you are of the same worth , you are of equal value , you should have the same care , love attention and the same resources ’ .
7 There were the same satisfactions of seeing a job well-finished and the same frustrations when the machines refused to function .
8 Although the two countries retained their distinctive systems of law and church government , they had henceforward ‘ one and the same Parliament , to be styled the Parliament of Great Britain' , common citizenship , a common currency and the same taxes .
9 Since the nucleus of a cell in the gut could give rise to a normal toad it is clear that no genetic information had been lost during the development of the gut , and the same holds for the skin nucleus .
10 Social conventions would clearly be of little use if only a small proportion of members was aware of them , and the same holds for the interpretative rules which guide the manner in which meanings are attached to objects and situations .
11 The character of the Northern Region can not be understood apart from its industrial history and the same holds for the Tyneside conurbation and the two locales which are the subject of this study .
12 In the first of the examples given , so long as the profits of the business are remitted to be dealt with under the English partnership agreement and the same persons are partners of the English firm and of its overseas branch , the branch office practice will be covered by the Indemnity Fund .
13 Much relevant information has to be collected for administrative reasons and the same forms used for record-keeping could be adapted to provide regular research results .
14 Nor do they necessarily all share the same interpretation of the events in which they participate ; rival themes are thrust forward , and the same lines are used to justify contradictory claims and interests .
15 The two men , according to Arthur Schlesinger , " found the same things funny and the same things serious " despite the generation gap .
16 And the same things are spoken about every day .
17 There 's a good chance that someone could go into prison in similar circumstances and the same things would happen again .
18 In the dormitories I identified the beds in which I had slept , with the same trays beneath them for dirty clothes and the same chairs beside them .
19 You will too , of course , need a detective , and the same limitations and assets that the detective in the classical story has will still apply to the detective here .
20 There 's nothing special about it , and the same laws hold at the North Pole as at other places on the earth .
21 By October there were upwards of 30 written death threats and the same warnings were coming by phone every week .
22 Conservative philosophy has relied on competition to improve efficiency in other areas of the economy and the same principles were applied to the NHS .
23 Liability will not be avoided simply because the system has a fault and the same principles apply here as in the case of conventional computer software .
24 Comparisons of the metabolism between different sites in the same patient , and the same sites in UC patients and controls were analysed using a non-parametric ( Mann-Whitney U ) test .
25 They will go through the same experiences and the same activities .
26 Film comedy developed along a parallel track to the feature film drama : the need for better films made feature film producers more ambitious technically and in terms of story and the same forces helped comedy to graduate from improvised shorts to more substantial films .
27 The testing arrangements : The national curriculum will be intimately connected to the assessment and testing schedule at years seven , 11 , 14 and 16 and the same concerns expressed in 3 a and b apply .
28 McMahon was successful on Another Machine for Dromore 's Tom Wilson on Wednesday and the same connections were responsible for Moorechurch Glen .
29 Two contentious issues are the cost of training to managers and the same managers ' grasp of systems ( or the lack of it ) .
30 Now Sir Peter chairs Midland Bank and the same managers of the Kuwait state investments are doing their utmost to dump Midland shares on to the market just as Hongkong & Shanghai makes its bid .
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