Example sentences of "and [adj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From the 1670s and 1680s onwards the colourful and varied light-weight fabrics known as ‘ Norwich Stuffs ’ became fashionable and gave a new stimulus to an old industry .
2 Almost like the burglar alarm you just have scheme , head co-ordinators , you know deputy co-ordinator , number of 'ouses and that just a basic so you go in
3 When he heard the explanation , and that even the best calf had been killed , the fatted calf had been killed , to help the party he was furious .
4 If I may my Lord there is an issue that was raised in my learned friends reply er which er was a new point er and where I do take issue with him and this concerns the issue of the relevance of the directive here the , the issue relating to er whether or not the er Lloyd 's Act and the society have got any relevance in respect of the directive , his submission as I understood it , was that under article one , eight , nine the directive only addressed itself to states , to the British Government and that therefore the reliance on the directive by the society and in relation to the Lloyds Act was er a misconceived er reliance .
5 In the Wheldrake Ings account book for 1868–1934 , it is specified that the meadows be mown on the dates appointed by the Ings masters , and that thereafter a carefully controlled number of cattle , branded with a W , may be pastured until the autumn , when they are taken off on ‘ Ings Breaking Day ’ , a custom which is still observed .
6 By a majority the Court of Appeal held that on the true analysis the firm had in fact been automatically dissolved ( because its continuance would have been illegal ) so soon as there was a failure to renew the practising certificate by one of its members , and that thereafter the properly qualified partners had carried on in a new partnership at will which was not prevented from recovering its costs .
7 Yet essentially Whigs agreed that the hereditary succession had been broken by the Glorious Revolution and that henceforth the monarch had a Parliamentary title to the throne .
8 You see the i it was er we used to make curtains then for Littlewoods , Littlewoods as it is now , they 're still , you know , the they were about the forerunners of the er tt this er catalogue business , and if they gave us an order that would last us a long time , and that usually the eight points , which was meant to say there were eight threads to an inch .
9 But according to Israeli officials , most of the Soviets choose to live here in Tel Aviv or Haifa in Israel proper , and that only a fraction , less than one per cent , go to the occupied territories .
10 However , it 's surprising that in on representative government utilitarianism barely surfaces and that almost no mention at all is made of utility apart from in a very general way .
11 It was the second Unionist lever against Home Rule that helped to involve the King , for it assumed that Home Rule would become law , would be repudiated in Ulster , and that then the army would refuse to enforce it .
12 this and that then the old women used to go to the door , shilling .
13 Erm , when we look at the environmental strategy , I always think that environmental strategies are common sense to people , and that sometimes the involvement of large organizations is sometimes counter-productive .
14 And they 're low to the ground , so the ground effect and that so the air can go over there , breaks up here and gets thrown off erm it 's just the air .
15 She always used to ask my opinions of things and that now a lot of my answers made sense .
16 But officials say this was unconnected and that now the situation is calm .
17 It might be argued that for years Britain unsuccessfully attempted the ‘ Italian approach ’ , trying to establish an independent , strong domestic producer and that now an approach , in some respects similar to the ‘ Spanish approach ’ ( welcoming foreign investment ) is being adopted .
18 Major tomes here and each any every one a credit to beavering authors .
19 wet and dry exactly the same Yeah identical .
20 2 If a future Parliament is " hung " with the centre parties holding the balance of power between Conservative and Labour then the Liberals and Social Democrats have made it clear that the price of their giving support to any minority government would be a binding agreement to introduce proportional representation .
21 We like to keep the floor nice and sticky so the staff ca n't run away !
22 Society responds with oppression , which it justifies by again invoking myths , scriptures ( quoted or misquoted ) and proverbs , some ancient and some only a few years old , thrown up by the needs of everyday life .
23 One of the people he 's conning is Sir Epicure Manhom who wants a life of ease and luxury and has been giving the alchemist loads of money in order to tu to , to perfect this and funny enough the alchemist has n't managed , has n't managed to do this , to get the person 's money .
24 Pittston has drafted in ‘ scab ’ labour to get the coal out , but the roads in these mountains are narrow and winding so the strikers drive their vehicles ahead of the coal trucks as slowly as possible .
25 ‘ He loved to change direction , ’ said Hardy , ‘ he loved to test people , to see where their pretensions were — it was all terrific fun to him , serious and not-serious both the same time , the way very very good comics are .
26 It gets bigger and bigger and bigger all the .
27 On Nov. 6 and 7 respectively the House and Senate approved the conference-reconciled version of the human services appropriations bills which they had enacted in September [ see p. 38428 ] .
28 The tide had receded , the land silted again , but the plant life remembered the salt inundation : oddities and rarities of flora attracted the scholarly and delighted even the uninformed .
29 But since agriculture forms the basis of our industry , it was by and large also an intensification of the crisis in the national economy in general .
30 Between 1838 and 1859 over a dozen important books were published on the subject as well as a host of articles .
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