Example sentences of "and [noun] went the " in BNC.

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1 Cock and click went the super-gun .
2 Skiing a bit too fast … possibly slightly unfit — and ping went the strings of her ligaments
3 It was drawn from a cask , a cork inserted in the top of the bottle which was placed in the corking machine , one pull on the lever and home went the cork .
4 Round and round went the rich , creamy milk , as the cool spring water flowed past , down through the three sloping troughs and away out of the yard .
5 eighty pound if it 's not one thing you know it 's fortnight ago from Co-Op it 's forty one P a packet , went last week it was forty six P a packet , so Richard and Angela went the other day for nan and they got me some at same time , she leant me the money , yeah , cos I was absolutely broke , gone back down again to forty one
6 The two others continued till 1973 , when the closure of the Evening Citizen meant that no town outside London was supporting more than one evening paper — and London went the same way in 1980 .
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