Example sentences of "and [verb] after a " in BNC.

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1 It is a poor house Ellen and not clean but it is cheap and furnished after a fashion and best of all lies next to the Casa Guidi which raised my spirits .
2 Brother Winfrid , big and young and wholesome , was leaning on his spade at the edge of the vegetable patch beyond , and gazing after a diminutive figure that was just scuttling away round the corner of the box hedge towards the great court .
3 There are numerous picturesque villages , ruined abbeys , and historic houses within easy driving distance , including Sledmere House which was built in the 1750s and rebuilt after a devastating fire , using the original plans , in 1911 .
4 Founded in 1637 and rebuilt after a disastrous fire in 1824 .
5 It was over a titbit on the floor and occurred after a period when they growled at each other at feeding time .
6 After a time teaching in a Scottish school , Fettes , the degree got him a fellowship in mathematics at his own college of Magdalene ; where he remained the rest of his long life — teaching mathematics , holding various college offices , going every week to Emmanuel Congregational chapel , and becoming after a time one of its deacons or church officers .
7 resolve and spirit after a few days without a bath , a week without a change of clothes .
8 The single , which was originally issued in 1981 and deleted after a run of 2,000 , served as a blueprint for the band 's ‘ Uncertain Smile ’ , recorded after they had signed to Epic .
9 Looking pink and refreshed after a short break , Mr Smith strode into the pokey committee rooms to a rabble-rousing welcome .
10 While 11 per cent were worried about flying , 90 per cent said they felt better and refreshed after a holiday .
11 All but five of the players are from British Columbia which means they should be match hard and fit after a full domestic season .
12 By international agreement , all pieces of a given shower are catalogued as a single meteorite and named after a nearby geographical feature ( it can be a town , a post office or prominent natural feature ) .
13 The repository will be located at Sighthill and named after a former 19th century deputy clerk register Thomas Thomson .
14 Modern houses have so many labour-saving devices that it is difficult for the person at home to have adequate exercise by doing chores , cooking , and looking after a family .
15 They were , however , opposed by many working people on the grounds that those in need — low-paid workers , including most female workers — could not afford to contribute , and deserved after a life of labour a benefit paid from taxation rather than from their own pockets .
16 People sometimes find that their housing requirements change and seek after a period to move on to different kinds of residence , particularly into flats of their own .
17 The diagnosis was complicated as four days earlier a 14 year old boy from the same school had collapsed and died after a short illness of severe diarrhoea , which proved to be due to a fatal Salmonella enteritidis infection .
18 At any other time she might have appreciated the beauty of the morning , a perfect , brilliant , cloudless day , golden and enticing after a refreshing overnight rain .
19 So oft we went , leaving Pop at ‘ Prospect Lodge ’ in Simla ( a holiday home for missionaries ) until he was asked to go down to Poona and look after a soldiers ' club .
20 On the other hand , next-door-neighbour Ghana has a policy to preserve forest and look after a limited quantity of the forest , and manage it with sustained yield .
21 A YOUNG mother told a court today that she felt dirty and humiliated after a prison strip search .
22 They can actually go and chase after a person outside the station if if that is their their wish and at the moment that is erm that will continue to be the case .
23 Poor appetite , stops feeding and screams after a few minutes
24 Although mistrusting children , he showed an absorbed interest as he took the photographs and gazed at Henrietta ( fourteen ) , Samantha ( just ten ) and the baby Jacqueline ( now three and born after a long period during which Hugh had displayed a lack of interest in physical contact ) .
25 Such bushes tend to wear out and detach after a period of use .
26 He often comes down to the evening meal drained and exhausted after a day of writing his name at the bottom of letters like these .
27 Some — like that of Ryno the medic , exhausted and saddened after a struggle to save the life of a fellow constable — show how very young most men are when they are caught up in armed conflicts .
28 He blinked and stretched , feeling relaxed and contented after a good night 's sleep , although there was a bitterness at the back of his throat .
29 Two Commandos had taken their boots off yesterday evening and found after a couple of hours standing to they were unable to get them on again , both feet had swollen badly .
30 Robyn swallowed and tried to work out whether she should feel relieved or even more depressed and decided after a moment on the latter .
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