Example sentences of "and [verb] like an " in BNC.

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1 Our experience passed the limits of abhorrence : I lost all my earthly faculties and fought like an angel .
2 Enough to have Jay fly home on the wings of Peter Pan and sleep like an angel .
3 Arkwright has plenty of muscles of his own , and looks like an ex-marine with right-wing political notions .
4 The computer in the head could n't cope with the extra distortions that would be introduced if the fish 's body were bending and twisting like an ordinary fish .
5 PAMELA : [ aside ] I feel so silly with my lord gazing at me from head to foot and Sir Jacob grinning and laughing like an oaf .
6 The anger surged and dropped like an errant tide .
7 And yet it could still surprise him that a man could be a sensible and reliable scientist in his work and a fool with women , could show judgement in one area of his life and act like an irrational child in another .
8 ( 14 ) The Bonaventure was quivering and lurching like an old spavined mare .
9 One of the nurses she had seen in the cloakroom was standing in the middle of the corridor , flushed pink and grinning like an idiot , while That Man lounged on one leg in all his taut leather and chatted her up .
10 This was n't a fair challenge , Harry being more than a head taller than Sam and built like an ox .
11 While dozing he had dreamed , and in the dream he had seen Buddie brandishing his long-bladed knife and passing like an avenging angel through crowds of jostling raucous birds in the turkey-pen .
12 The gigantically helmeted head of some biblical hero would stick out through the roof and stand like an Easter Island monolith among the chimneys and machine-gun emplacements , jewelled eyes blazing with golem life .
13 Every Sunday morning when his wife woke him he soundly ( if silently ) cursed his adopted religion ; but the hell of getting up when all sensible creatures were lost in lovely sleep , was more than compensated for by the feeling of well-being after Mass , which made him beam and glow like an advertisement for salts — ‘ It 's Inner Cleanliness that counts ! ’ — ; and look forward with relish to eggs and bacon with a righteous sense of having earned them , and the lazy hours to follow .
14 Certainly , he seem airily exotic with his cropped hair and face like an oriental cherub .
15 She sings and acts like an angel and is extremely pleased because Wolfgang has served her extraordinarily well . ’
16 Never mind the fact they were as comfortable as wearing two fibre-glass tubes filled with iron filings , and stank like an incontinent old sheep dog when wet , they were natural wool and so considered correct .
17 The atmosphere of this immensely still , stranded landscape , empty and waiting like an Eden , was beginning to affect him , in spite of all his doubts .
18 Norm had to call her , then shake her , and she would stagger downstairs and hang like an exhausted alcoholic over a clutched mug of coffee .
19 When he 's in the middle of doing a character , Enfield flaps and blows like an animated cartoon .
20 FENDER Stratocaster 1971 , absolutely gorgeous , cream with rosewood neck , pre-CBS pickup , looks , feels and sounds like an old one , present owner of 12 years .
21 Music throbs and surges like an ocean swell : synthesisers and unyielding rhythm .
22 He hoisted the rope to the very top of the hill , leaped into space with his bare feet wedged against the big knot and soared like an eagle over the tree tops .
23 Mrs Bennett was standing in the hall when she entered the front door , beady-eyed and flustered like an angry hen .
24 The record ran itself out and they flopped down gasping and panting like an obscene phone call .
25 He spoke and looked like an end of term lecturer of some provincial college English Department .
26 She was wearing pale green dungarees , soaked with muddy water , and looked like an untidy acolyte performing priestly duties in the priest 's absence .
27 The snoring rose and fell like an ill-tuned orchestra , interrupted by the curses of those who , like herself , could not sleep .
28 They said that within minutes of the Metro landing it burst into flames and burnt like an inferno .
29 The acid trip came and went like an image on a screen , sometimes faint , sometimes strong — music among the trees , Lori 's dark head singing , colours among the undergrowth , curling like lurid fog , light crowning the treetops , Lori seeming to move in a stately dance .
30 The pen , which is cordless and has no batteries , looks and feels like an ordinary pen .
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