Example sentences of "and [verb] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Drain the prawns thoroughly and pat them dry on kitchen paper .
2 When they were bulging-full , he stitched them closed with a curved needle and woollen thread and laid them ready in a pile .
3 It is time to take account of that difference between perceiving from ‘ Now ’ and ‘ I ’ and imagining from other viewpoints which we have so far put aside as irrelevant.4 Although one can respond with some awareness to remote or hypothetical situations , and evaluate them sub specie aeternitatis , everyone 's actual choices of ends are of course confined to his own present and future and to his effective scope of action .
4 Afterwards he washed the tin out in the stream , splashed water over his face and hands and wiped them dry on a handkerchief .
5 Lord Justice McCowan said he found it quite impossible to hold that Mr Hurd 's political judgment — that the appearance of terrorists on programmes increased their standing and lent them political legitimacy — was one that no reasonable home secretary could make .
6 Stack them high and sell them cheap .
7 If a school can tailor its in-house courses and make them relevant to the needs of the whole school staff , then the dynamics of that collective and shared experience may provide greater rewards .
8 Bearing in mind their success , does the Minister support such schemes , as many of us do , and will resources be forthcoming to finance them and make them viable ?
9 I have already drawn attention to the power there is in weakness and it is often the case that God is able to take ordinary weak things of this world and make them powerful for him .
10 How far this will work depends on how far we can inject into cross-curricular work the essence of our ideas and make them genuine focuses of our work ( and not peripheral elements ) .
11 If they 're wrongly placed they can blank out the screens and make them impossible to read .
12 Also visit any resident who is incontinent and make them dry and comfortable .
13 Nonetheless the suggestions outlined in this paper would put new teachers in a strong position to teach language awareness , and make them familiar with important issues in the social dimensions of language in Britain today , both with respect to minority languages and with regard to the linguistic needs of society as a whole .
14 The announcement of the proposed merger ( unless shut-outs can be achieved — see para 8.2 below ) will bring both companies " into play " and make them vulnerable to a hostile bid .
15 Prepare all the facts and make them available
16 As far as the debtor 's obligations are concerned , he must retain possession of the goods and make them available for the creditor to collect , taking reasonable care of them in the meantime ( s72(4) ) .
17 ‘ I would envisage a process of discovery , so each party would list documents in their possession and make them available to the other parties . ’
18 When we whip cream the forces applied to the fat particles by the flowing liquid can be large enough to deform them and make them ellipsoidal ( shaped like rugby balls ) .
19 Fresh coffee and fruit were ordered and soon the sound of the big brass pestle pounding the cardamom and coffee beans in the brass mortar rang around the court , announcing that we had visitors , come and make them welcome .
20 Apparently FirstPerson will have a tough task to water down the industrial-strength principals of Spring and make them lightweight enough for the mass consumer market .
21 A key assumption in economics is that money can be used to buy things that satisfy people 's wants and make them happy ( ‘ utilities ’ ) .
22 But if you accept that carbon dioxide is a much More insidious threat and nuclear power is the one major supplier of energy that does not produce it , the issue begins to turn not so much on the dangerous unacceptibility of reactors but on how you regulate and make them safe and ensure that their fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
23 For example , in Dundee the Tayside Public Transport Company , which is still owned by the regional council , has been forced , under the provisions of the 1985 Act , to alter some of the services and make them commercial .
24 However hard you try and make them fit .
25 but it 's erm it does mean that you can , so to speak , design your teeth as a sort of decent engineering job and make them fit with one another and slide over one another and grind and so on .
26 The suggestion is that this will reduce their chances of finding such work themselves and make them dependent for informal assistance on others whose circumstances are similar to their own .
27 They have no chance to notice or see anything erm and make them observant and looking out for things .
28 1988 ) are implemented councils will be required to circulate auditors ' reports to all members and make them public .
29 Would it be a proper recognition of the quality of their teaching and administrative staff to accept their judgment of academic standards absolutely and make them mature degree awarding bodies ?
30 It had managed to reach the mass of people and make them aware of possible means of tackling their problems .
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