Example sentences of "and [verb] into [num] " in BNC.

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1 Of the 1,536 sub-cloned cDNAs , 104 were detected by hybridization to restriction fragments of these cosmids , and arranged into 12 mapping groups ( ref. 26 and I.V. , manuscript in preparation ) .
2 During one date in Malibu they sat holding hands and gazing into one another 's eyes , according to witnesses .
3 The famous social scientist , D. T. Campbell , once proposed a more naturalistic experiment , in which scores of towns would be selected and formed into two groups at random , the newspapers in each town would be persuaded to take part in the experiment by publishing phoney articles about the state of candidates , and comparisons would be made at the end between the two groups of towns ( Campbell 1951 ) .
4 The ovular cell divides inside the zona pellucida and separates into one cell and one " polar body " , each with 23 chromosomes .
5 She heard him call after her and got into one of the swing boats with a pale , freckled little boy who was hanging nervously on to the rope while his plain , doting parents stood beside the boat , saying encouragingly , ‘ Go on , Sidney , it 'll be such fun . ’
6 When the knights reformed in front of them they suddenly launched a wild shout , and welded into one moving weapon , that aimed itself at the enemy beyond the river , and this time did not halt .
7 On the day of his birth his father founded the pioneer engineering firm of Letson & Burpee , which Harry later inherited and developed into one of the largest in western Canada .
8 But I opened the door and bumped into one of the German secret policemen who was smoking on the top step .
9 It ‘ welds together all the differentiated and diversely articulated organs of social management , regulation and command into one immense structure of power ’ ( Feher , Heller and Markus 1983 , p. 109 ) .
10 Stir in the ground almonds , caster sugar and cinnamon , divide the mixture and rill into 15 small balls .
11 In HARPY , all the possible paths are specified explicitly before processing begins and collapsed into two dimensions , while in HWIM and Hearsay-II they are generated dynamically according to rules which combine partial descriptions linearly ( across time ) and hierarchically ( across levels of linguistic description ) .
12 Checking his watch , he poured himself a last drink and sank into one of the easy chairs before the fire .
13 He stopped prowling at last , and dropped into one of the easy chairs facing me .
14 The van swerved and crashed into two huge dustbins .
15 Wildly , I think of us growing here in this hothouse forever , like two plants curled and twined into one another , stems interlocked , leaves brushing …
16 He hastily ordered large amounts of red ochre to be brought from Elephantine and to be ground to powder by the High Priest of Heliopolis and stirred into seven thousand jugs of beer .
17 PCR products ( 0.2-1 mg ) were excised from an agarose gel , purified by the Geneclean ( BIO101 ) procedure and eluted into 7 ml of water .
18 All the themes are interlinked and condensed into one person 's life and his surroundings .
19 This is a rather apt description of a bloom that is flat , ( compared to the high central point of the Hybrid Tea , for example ) and in which the many petals seem to curl and divide into four sections or quarters .
20 Under the new organizational arrangements the French General Confederation of Labour ( CGT ) took control of the WFTU 's bureaucracy , which would be cut by three-quarters and reorganized into five regional offices .
21 Roll out a circle of red icing and slice into eight 5mm ( ¼inch ) strips .
22 The radius ( R ) is typically 5-branched : its main stem is convex and divides into two , of which the first branch ( R1 ) passes directly to the wing-margin : the second branch or radial sector ( Rs ) is concave and divides into four veins ( R2 to R5 ) .
23 The radius ( R ) is typically 5-branched : its main stem is convex and divides into two , of which the first branch ( R1 ) passes directly to the wing-margin : the second branch or radial sector ( Rs ) is concave and divides into four veins ( R2 to R5 ) .
24 Bodie stopped the car at a discreet distance from Latowa 's blue van , and watched as Latowa got out of the cab and walked into one of the shops in the small row .
25 Mix all the ingredients together and separate into 8 balls .
26 So , what we 've got is four of these books that will go and condense into one copy ,
27 Colour a little more fondant or marzipan yellow and roll into two tapering sausages .
28 The production has been staged in 44 countries and translated into 24 languages .
29 Er , certainly , Senior Inspector , erm paragraphs six point four , and continuing into six point five .
30 One of the plates dropped and broke into two neat sections .
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