Example sentences of "and [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 The loft space was then imitated by the galleries of the Seventies and Eighties , to be reproduced again by the new museums of the Nineties where they were perfected and neutralised into a well-lit , white shoebox .
2 Rowed by a team of friends she was soon alongside , aboard and tucking into a substantial breakfast .
3 When the larva is about to shed its skin and change into a pupa ( which it does prior to emerging as a real fly ) , it exudes a sticky fluid .
4 Perhaps had the Ceauşescus ruled over a larger state their megalomania might have been more comfortably contained , but trapped inside little Romania it began to consume the whole nation and to penetrate into every area of life , even its most intimate secrets .
5 She could n't risk slipping on the wet surface of the stones and pitching into the river .
6 When chipping and pitching into the wind , the ball will settle down more quickly and the stroke must be quite positive , with a quite noticeable acceleration through impact .
7 The left-hander just avoided a caught-and-bowled to Malcolm 's left hand , but when Gooch brought Salisbury on , this time at the Nursery end , and pitching into the legside rough , he spun one right across Salim Malik to have him caught at gully .
8 One possible explanation for governments ' concern about inflation is that they are fearful that a rising rate may get out of control and develop into a ‘ runaway ’ inflation or hyperinflation .
9 They produce neutral mucin and develop into a new small gland .
10 The attitude of kindness should become habitual and develop into the ‘ I and Thou ’ relationship of Buber 's existential philosophy ; so that the subject and object can join in a transcendent meeting , defeating the isolation of the usual you and me relationship which contains no warmth and is a mere hailing as of two ships at a distance from one another .
11 Posing as a Lebanese cocaine buyer , he had flown to Los Angeles with a suitcase full of counterfeit US currency provided by DEA Nicosia and checked into a room booked for him by the DEA at the Sheraton Universal hotel .
12 Daughter Alison , 20 , who co-starred with Clint in the thriller Tightrope , went off the rails earlier this year and checked into a drink dependency clinic in Arizona .
13 He kept his secret even from his closest friends and checked into a clinic for an operation under an assumed name .
14 We had talked our way past the immigration officials in Jakarta , flown to Makassar , and checked into the rotting , former colonial splendour of the only hotel on the waterfront .
15 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
16 At the end of the session , June Braithwaite said she had found it useful ; she had not needed to become hysterical , and he had not been able to leave and disappear into the kitchen .
17 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
18 Beneath it , she wore loose silky pants in the same colour , pleated and gathered into a deep , fitted waistband and tapering at her ankles , one of which sported a fine gold anklet .
19 They both soon scattered when a mortar bomb burst at the entrance to the orchard , sending shrapnel whistling through the trees and thudding into the walls of the little cottage just a few yards away .
20 While Joseph tearfully attended his father 's grave , and gazed into the reflections of Wallowa Lake , McLaughlin reported that the Nez Perce 's return there would be impractical .
21 He breathed a huge sigh and gazed into the dark water .
22 Hauser hunched his large body in his chair and gazed into the distance .
23 Dona Marguerita sniffed noisily and spat into a bowl .
24 Henry brushed and spat into the basin , noticing the blood darken the snow-white saliva .
25 The landlord turned and spat into the dirty rushes .
26 It overshot the runway and plunged into a 12 foot ditch after flying the five from their engineering firm in Chigwell , Essex .
27 When I got home I picked up the threads of my ordinary life again very quickly — you might say I snatched them up , and plunged into a round of work and social life deliberately intended to give me as few idle moments as possible .
28 The band faltered , took a breath , and plunged into a two-step .
29 TWO teenagers were taken to hospital after their car went out of control and plunged into a ditch .
30 A BUS swerved to avoid a truck and plunged into a ravine east of the Philippine capital , Manila , yesterday , killing at least 21 people .
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