Example sentences of "and [verb] for two " in BNC.

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1 This is a 170g ( 6oz ) unit , also made of flat strip aluminium , and arranged for two axis presetting .
2 It was occasionally recognised , however , that self-defence might create more problems than it solved , as when Mr Punch recovered his wit and arranged for two anti-garotters to meet one dark night in a lonely street :
3 He admitted eight robberies between May and July and asked for two others and six attempted robberies to be taken into consideration .
4 What is certain is that on the bright and sunny morning of 4 June 1913 the forty-year-old Emily Davison called at the offices of the WSPU in London and asked for two of the union 's white , green and purple flags .
5 At the Old Bailey yesterday Everton , of Edmonton , north London , admitted three robberies and related firearms charges and asked for two attempted robberies to be considered .
6 The Queen was particularly delighted with these models and asked for two dozen to be sent to Buckingham Palace .
7 ‘ On my way down I sent a message to the sheriff 's office at the Guildhall and asked for two cursitors to make diligent inquiries amongst the taverns and stews along this side of the river .
8 Christopher Appleton , 18 , of Highmoor Road , Darlington , admitted burglary and asked for two offences to be considered .
9 Anthony Killen , 28 , of no fixed address , admitted burglary , receving stolen goods and asked for two burglaries to be taken into consideration .
10 The second layer antibody , biotinylatd goat anti-mouse IgG ( Vector Laboratories , Burlingame , CA , USA ) was applied at a dilution of 1:50 and incubated for two hours at room temperature .
11 Yeah so imagine how you feel if you 've got another two role plays to do and then try and concentrate for two hours again .
12 Bring slowly to the boil , whisking constantly , and cook for two minutes .
13 A new theory linking familiarity , complexity , and liking for two special classes of objects will be tested rigorously for the first time .
14 ‘ I thought the intelligent thing to do was to go away and work for two years and then come back and teach .
15 After Looking Stead begin climbing the shoulder of Pillar , and look for two cairns placed either side of the path .
16 Lot sixteen Lot sixteen an okimono is showing , for a hundred pounds , at one hundred pounds and ten , twenty , one hundred and twenty pounds at a hundred and twenty , thirty , forty one fifty , sixty one seventy , eighty ninety , two hundred and twenty two hundred and twenty pounds to my right , and selling for two twenty , all finished ?
17 Two hundred against you both at two hundred pounds , the bid 's on the book at two hundred against you both , at two hundred and selling for two hundred , two twenty , two forty two sixty , two eighty any more sir ?
18 Two sixty , two eighty two hundred and eighty pounds against you at the back and selling for two hundred and eighty pounds two eighty , one one nine .
19 Lot number sixty eight Lot sixty eight is another one there we are that one is showing for a hundred pounds at one ten , one twenty , one thirty bid , and s one forty one fifty sixty one seventy eighty one ninety two hundred two twenty two forty two forty bid at the back and selling for two forty , all done at two hundred and forty .
20 Lot number seventy one Lot number seventy one seventy one there 's the stele showing there 's the carving showing there for a hundred and fifty pounds , at one fifty , one sixty , one seventy , at one hundred and seventy pounds , at one eighty offered , one ninety , two hundred now two hundred is bid and selling for two hundred , you all done ?
21 Lot number seventy eight Lot seventy eight a patinated bronze teapot there 's the bronze teapot a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten , twenty , one hundred and twenty pounds at one hundred and twenty pounds , one thirty , forty , fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty ninety , two hundred two twenty bid I 'm offered two hundred and twenty to my right and selling for two twenty , two forty two sixty , two eighty three hundred and twenty three fifty three eighty four hundred and twenty four fifty , eighty five hundred and fifty six hundred six hundred pounds offered anybody else at six hundred pounds still to my right at six hundred pounds .
22 the cabinet , there it is showing on the left-hand wall there , Lot number ninety five is showing for a hundred pounds , at one hundred and ten , twenty at one hundred and twenty pounds at a hundred and thirty , forty , fifty , sixty one seventy for the lady sir one eighty standing one ninety two hundred , two twenty for the lady two hundred and twenty , two forty two sixty two hundred and sixty and it 's still with the lady and selling for two hundred and sixty pounds eight forty , thank you , two sixty .
23 Lot number one O one Lot number one O one , the patinated vase there 's the patinated vase showing at a hundred and fifty pounds , at one hundred and fifty pounds , one sixty , seventy , one eighty , one ninety , two hundred , two twenty to my left two twenty is offered and selling for two twenty , two forty at the back going , two sixty , thank you , two eighty at the back two eighty , three hundred ?
24 Two hundred pounds against the lady , at two hundred and selling for two hundred pounds thank you , sir , it 's yours for two hundred , that 's eight five four .
25 One 14 cm , 10 Fg , stent was positioned and exchanged for two stents after six weeks .
26 The truce will start on Sunday and last for two weeks .
27 She stamped her feet , wept and refused for two days to eat or — once her initial reaction had been volubly expressed — speak .
28 We encountered some problem lining up screw holes in the harddisk with holes in the mounting frame and settled for two fixings instead of the recommended three .
29 Add red pepper and chilli and saute for two minutes .
30 He watched television for a while , then emptied his hand-grip and worked for two hours on his purchases of that afternoon .
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