Example sentences of "and [verb] to [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 We ask the general assembly to remit to the assembly council to give attention to the placing of health and healing within the overall work of the church and to report to next year 's general assembly on where they think this remit should most effectively be discharged .
2 He seems barely able to recognize us and refers to last year 's campaign on Azrad as if it were yesterday . ’
3 I 'd put on a frilly pink dress and dance to next door 's rock music — they had it on super-loud , the walls shook .
4 The selectors feel she has already earned her passage to Barcelona , having last summer finished second in the Europa Cup , ninth in the World Championships , and moved to fifth place in the world all-time 10,000 metres rankings .
5 So far , the card capacity has been largely limited to a mere 64 kilobytes and supply to third parties is controlled by Sharp which price them at up to £50 each , limiting the potential margin for would-be card publishers .
6 Poor Owen Rowlands , the first-day leader , had slumped to a 76 and dropped to sixth place .
7 The Yorkshireman , riding Milton , had a disastrous second round , after a first round clear , and crashed to 14th place — just one place above his brother Michael .
8 And according to next week 's edition of International Financing Review , a high powered scouting party was dispatched under the command of Willard Butcher , the chairman .
9 The conclusions , headed " SUBJECT : Definition of Russian Nationals " , were summarised in the form of an order , signed by Brig Low with distribution to all units and copied to Eighth Army , and we shall refer to this as the " 21 May Definition Order " .
10 Earnings per share in the period were five p but after taking into account exceptional Carpet Right gain this is reduced to two point eight p and compares to last year 's pro forma earnings per share of one point four million which included losses on the closing down of our operations .
11 He knew Sir Harry , as he knew most of the British ministers , well enough to drop titles in private and revert to first names .
12 In an initiative to be launched next month by tennis consultants Brian Hewitt Associates , in conjunction with the ITF and supported by a major sponsor , old tennis balls are to be collected at 2000 ball banks around the country and shipped to third world countries for additional and subsequent use .
13 The aircraft will fly , be certificated and delivered to first customers in 1996 .
14 Most railways printed a range of tickets for servants entitled ‘ to privilege third class travel ’ , which had quite heavy usage , but servants in higher grades without ‘ All Stations ’ passes and entitled to First Class travel must have been very few .
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