Example sentences of "and [verb] of [num] " in BNC.

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1 The belt was ( had been ) three inches wide and made of two strips of cowhide sewn together along their edges .
2 Among the highlights of the two sales , and selling well above its £10,000–15,000 estimate at Christie 's was a Sevres soup plate from the Catherine II service , ordered in 1776 and consisting of 797 pieces of which seventy-two were soup-plates .
3 The Cornmill 's central feature is a giant glazed atrium spanning almost ninety feet and consisting of 258 panes of glass .
4 Internally , executive power rests with a General Council elected for six years and consisting of 42 members in Guadeloupe , and 45 in Martinique .
5 LVTA is the result of years of lobbying by the SMMT on behalf of its Specialist Car Manufacturers ' Group , chaired by Caterham 's Graham Nearn and consisting of seven companies which number Marcos , Westfield , JBA and Jago Automotive — all kit car makers — among them .
6 If it goes ahead it 'll cover nearly three hundred and fifty acres and consist of thirty million tons of coal .
7 The crosses were cut on three of the stones and consist of two well-formed Chi-Rho symbols and four simple crosses ( fig 11.3 ) .
8 The former , which are open to full-time lecturers in further education establishments in Wales , lead either to the Post Graduate Certificate in Education ( Further Education ) or to the Certificate of Education ( Further Education ) and consist of two periods of eight weeks ' attendance at the Faculty of Education of the University College , interspersed with one year 's supervised teaching and tutorial sessions in the student 's own institutions .
9 The second and third datasets are at medium and high resolutions ; the high-resolution datasets include international boundaries and consist of 95 000 points and the medium-resolution dataset comprises about 15 000 points .
10 They are freshly prepared from organic fruit and vegetables and consist of four carrot and apple juices , four green leaf juices , four juices extracted from calves ' liver and one orange juice .
11 Impact printers are the largest group and consist of three main sub categories ; dot matrix , daisy wheel and ink jet and , apart from the latter which actually fires its ink these operate by pressing something hard through a ribbon in order to leave an impression on the sheet of paper .
12 Earlier this week in Surrey , a businessman 's wife was beaten and robbed of seventy five thousand pound 's worth of jewellery after being attacked in her sports car on the M Twenty Five .
13 In the outgoing parliament in February 1974 , it was 9 and consisted of 8 Official Unionists and 1 Democratic Unionist .
14 The third series of seminars was held during the period September 1990 to April 1991 and consisted of 8 presentations , covering subjects of policy interest and practical business application .
15 The Market House opened in December , 1842 , conveniently near the station and consisted of two storeys , both fitted up with stalls .
16 The walls were about four feet thick and consisted of two layers of stone packed with clay .
17 The arrival of the British had been impressive : on 24 December 1807 a squadron had anchored in Funchal under the command of Admiral Samuel Hood and consisted of four ships of the line , four frigates and sixteen ships for transporting troops , carrying two regiments of infantry and two companies of artillery .
18 The second winter programme of economic seminars was held during the period October 1989 to March 1990 and consisted of seven meetings supported by 313 members .
19 It was just below his left eye and consisted of three sloping cuts , and a fourth bisecting all three .
20 It is further agreed that the approach adopted by the court of appeal in the case of and incorporate of nineteen eighty nine , one queens bench page eight hundred and seventy eight , is that which I should adopt , er the person which seeks to persuade me that the percentage which I should apply should be four point five percent rather than the two percent used in that case by the court of appeal , he argues partly on the basis of er , evidence by Mr an architect who er , with the greatest respect to him , whilst I feel quite sure his architectural abilities are of the highest quality , I feel that as an economist he is perhaps er not more reliable than any other economist , er but er , Mr argues that er , recent falls in house prices show that houses are not the risk free inflation proof investments which the court of appeal assumed when and was decided .
21 Factors such as the parasitic reliance on the stage and the book , the lack of attention given to screenwriting , the lack of flexibility in studio-based production and , at Stoll , a studio floor so constructed that it accommodated the noise and bustle of five films at the same time , had a deadening effect on anyone who came into the industry with new ideas or fresh visions .
22 The apartments are set back from the busy main drag , in their own attractive gardens — a real bonus , as you can either come back in the afternoon for an uninterrupted snooze , or enjoy the hustle and bustle of one of Corfu 's most popular resorts .
23 The new series , called the GG11 series , will replace the Fury series , which Fujitsu has been fabricating under licence from Vitesse Semiconductor Corp , Camarillo , California and consists of six types , with between 10,000 gates and 25,000 gates .
24 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral National Assembly which sits for five years and consists of six appointed Senators and 15 popularly elected representatives .
25 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Assembly which sits for a five-year term and consists of six appointed senators and 15 popularly elected representatives .
26 It is built at the end of a canal and consists of two perfect octagons connected by a passage hall , behind which is a staircase let into another half octagon at the back .
27 It was built in 1875 and consists of two wrought-iron tanks or caissons in which boats are raised and lowered by a system of counterbalance , electricity replacing the original steam-powered hydraulic pumps .
28 Its lid , or mouton , is also made of oak and consists of two semi-circular or rectangular flaps which fold down to make a horizontal plate that presses the grapes inside the maie .
29 The deck also has a Divinycell core and consists of two mouldings , the cockpit well being a separate module .
30 It was constructed by Agrippa in 18–19 B.C. and consists of two tiers of arches each about 65 feet high and an upper tier of smaller arches 28 feet high .
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