Example sentences of "and [verb] more time " in BNC.

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1 Eleanor Pitman ( Kent ) one of the first Qualified Teachers , Eleanor looks forward to spending and enjoying more time with her family .
2 Cut out some administration today and put more time into leading your people to an even more profitable contribution .
3 The work redoubled in intensity after the later 1960s , when he realised that he could afford to go part-time as an architectural assistant and create more time for the research .
4 This would enable the men on the bank to keep her head up and give more time to spend on the attempts to raise her from the quagmire .
5 But , having said that , as I got older and spent more time with my father I began to learn more about him .
6 He did not feed this to the eagles but sat and ate it himself , and spent more time staring into the deserted depths of Minch 's cage than any other .
7 The local doc — the guy who 'd helped save Andy after he almost died under the ice all those years earlier — was on holiday at the time and there was a locum , a deputising doctor in charge of the practice , except from what the locals muttered later it seemed he 'd treated his stay in Strathspeld as a holiday , too , and spent more time on river banks with a rod in his hands than at bedsides toting a stethoscope .
8 In maths and language they were less distracted and spent more time on work and routine activities , although in art the pattern was reversed : older children were more often distracted and did less work .
9 In classrooms where there were two adults , children were generally less distracted and spent more time working than in classrooms where there was only one .
10 Therefore , refuse to be browbeaten or discouraged , especially around the time of the full Moon on the 10th , and devote more time and attention to your general health and wellbeing .
11 This would slow its progress towards Europe and allow more time for negotiations .
12 My research indicates a variety of routes to class , trade union and gender consciousness and the probability of interaction between several factors : hardships experienced in a working-class childhood ; changes in household structure , such as taking over the ‘ man 's ’ role of breadwinner ; becoming involved in industrial action ; developing a new awareness of how social life is organised through contact with political or trade union ideologies ; and just growing older and having more time free from actual and ideological family constraints .
13 Aye and took more time .
14 He does n't have to take as many shots and gives more time to each one he wants .
15 Gray explained his decision in terms of wishing to exert influence over the next generation of black leaders , to earn a higher salary , and to spend more time with his family and his local Baptist church .
16 With a new film , The Hard Way , now showing at the cinema , it 's hard to believe that Michael J Fox resolved last year to give up being a film star and spend more time with his wife , Tracy Pollan , and their son , Sam , who 's three this week .
17 The normally outgoing Garel-Jones has been looking tired lately , say his friends , who believe he genuinely wants to bow out of the spotlight and spend more time with his family .
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