Example sentences of "and [verb] she feel " in BNC.

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1 Typical Roger , she murmured to herself , trying to throw the blame on to her and make her feel guilty .
2 One thing about him that was probably on the plus side : he had the ability to drain away her tension and make her feel better .
3 She wanted him to take her in his arms and make her feel once more the strong , swift surge of desire that she remembered from their one night together .
4 He would just look at her with those piercing eyes and make her feel as vulnerable as she was beginning to realise she was .
5 Not those kind of relaxants but something just to relieve the tension and make her feel calmer .
6 It was n't only Simon she pushed over the edge : in that defiant , violent act she was taking revenge on all those people who had ever hurt her and made her feel worthless .
7 He respected her and made her feel beautiful .
8 At least everyone there seemed very nice , they had welcomed Lizzy and made her feel secure and wanted .
9 All the same , the image of his isolation remained with her , and made her feel uneasy and even guilty towards him .
10 The ensemble gave her a slinky , model-like elegance and made her feel like an actress playing a part … a nightclub scene , probably … instead of her normal self .
11 The absurd image touched her and made her feel somehow protected and safe : this kind , bumbling man would never despise her .
12 After that she put on a dress of burnt sienna which contrasted with her pale gold hair and made her feel more feminine .
13 Guido 's totally unexpected reference to Arnie , and the way he 'd cocked his head at her and smiled as he 'd said it , had thrown her and made her feel totally vulnerable .
14 Nevertheless the memory of his stricken face was somehow disturbing and made her feel guilty — a strange and unpleasant sensation that she tried to banish by taking a final look at her patient .
15 She was still distressed and could have wished that Mr. Crowther had waited a little longer before telling her about her inheritance , when the sadness and regret she felt about Aunt Alicia 's death was not so overpowering .
16 In fact , she did n't just feel like groaning — the frustration and worry she felt at the moment were enough to make her want to scream blue murder !
17 That was all she took in at first , until Miss Belle cried in an excited voice , ‘ Well , Rene , take the coat off and let her feel it .
18 In years she was senior to everyone including the infrequently seen Charlie ; as mother hen to the dancing girls she 'd taken Lucy in and allowed her to feel at home in a matter of hours .
19 One hot summer evening , after a walk in the country , Rose became very weak and pale , and confessed she felt ill .
20 She thought of Mr Sargent and the swimming lesson and willed her to feel better .
21 She demonstrates her first admission of remorse and indicates she feels too guilty to enjoy her new position as queen .
22 He spent a long time with her , talking , and making her feel better when she was crying and that ..
23 But since she was comfortable and occupied she felt no need to take the advantage of her freedom .
24 She shouted her innermost feelings about the hurt and anger she felt towards her mother who had ill-treated her a great deal when she had been young and in her mother 's care .
25 That time she 'd told me how lonely and abandoned she felt when she was with her husband , those confessional words , ‘ lonely and abandoned ’ , which usually would have me cringing all over the place , made me shiver .
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