Example sentences of "and [verb] i in " in BNC.

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1 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
2 He smiled too , and stabbed me in the gut with the gun-barrel hard enough to make me suck in my breath .
3 I just do n't see how you can kiss and cuddle me in the department when nothing at all is going on between us , and then just as soon as there is , you switch it all off like a blasted tap ! ’
4 I ask this council to ignore the recommendation from the housing committee and to support me in passing this amendment .
5 And wrapt me in a gown .
6 I taught her a new move and she practised it on me but she missed and got me in the and I fell on the ground .
7 On the climb-out at 100 ft there was a loud explosion and a lump of metal attached to a control wire whipped round and caught me in the groin .
8 He follows me down and holds me in his arms .
9 If Samoa , Mount Silisili and yesterday were indeed somewhere out there , I would have to take their presence on trust : I doubt if the visibility was more than five miles , and less as the squalls rolled in and drenched me in my eyrie .
10 A family of brothers , fathers and uncles on the front table took an instant dislike to me and , slamming their pints on the table , sat back with arms crossed and regarded me in stony-faced silence .
11 Instead of joining the press of bodies that jammed up the aisle towards the crush bar , he took my arm once again and drew me in the opposite direction .
12 I 'd say — and interrogate me in the cell itself with shouted , rapid-fire questions , punctuated by slaps in the face and , just once , hair-pulling .
13 Lord Palmerston sent for me and told me in a jaunty way that he would have nothing to do with this Gothic style , and that though he did not want to disturb my appointment he must insist on my making a design in the Italian style which he felt sure I could do as well as the other .
14 He had watched his sisters slide into prostitution , through financial and practical necessity , and told me in his Spanish dialect that he had become used to sleeping on the floor at home while they fucked a random selection of Cuban , Puerto Rican and American sailors from the nearby US Naval base at Subic Bay in the Philippines .
15 It spat a worrisome mixture of steam and flame out periodically and covered the bottom of the pans with black ooze , a treacly goo that got itself on to my pile jacket and put me in good humour for an hour or so .
16 While I ca n't say I actually enjoyed the experience — as usual , two shirts flaked me out and put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day — I did find the whole process a whole lot easier on the nerves than throwing a glass of water across a shirt in the hope that somehow the creases , along with the water , would eventually evaporate .
17 They gave me a feeling of my own finiteness , and put me in the mood for my evening Bible reading .
18 But they always gave me the choice first and put me in a dilemma , though I did n't know the meaning of the word then .
19 Barlow confessed : ‘ Mo called for the ball and put me in two minds .
20 His mother smiled and put me in his hand .
21 So they took me into care and put me in an assessment centre in Sydenham Hill for six months .
22 They took me to Lochleven Castle , and put me in a room like a prison .
23 A tall and smartly dressed Englishwoman took my hand and put me in a chauffeur-driven car and , suddenly , after three months of confinement behind barbed-wire fences , we were driving away , through the barrier and down the lanes thick and bright with the leaves and flowers of spring .
24 Now I need you to back up my story and put me in the clear .
25 I once worked in the shopfloor in a factory , putting cream on to cream cakes , when I finished college , and they took me out and put me in the lab even though I did n't have any science degree , and I was in the labs for three months .
26 But the cornice offers no aid and he tumbles and slithers down once more , cursing and swearing and showering me in snow .
27 Fritz jumped down from his horse and lifted me in his arms .
28 Get them all and meet me in the Operations Room .
29 A voice that called me ‘ old boy ’ suggested that I ‘ toddle over the road and meet me in Greenwich Village at the corner of Bleeker Street and MacDougal .
30 ‘ Oh , it 's you , ’ she said , and kneed me in the groin .
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