Example sentences of "and [verb] with a " in BNC.

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1 Soon one could ignore it , except now and then when the fire seemed to take a huge breath and glowed with a sudden fierceness which sent sparks flying crazily up the chimney .
2 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
3 Complex derivatives of phenols , chlorinated and compounded with an anionic base , have been used widely as glassware agents in the licensed trades until the advent of bisguanides .
4 It was no answer , and it was a complete answer ; Edouard , recognising something of Jean-Paul in the implacability of the reply , hearing in it , too , –hat note of bland stubbornness with which some of his workmen in the Loire would resist argument and change with an age-old peasant resilience , sighed and decided it might be wiser to leave the subject there .
5 The pulsar has a period of 102ms and slows with a characteristic age of 17,300yr .
6 Tights , which Jane had to pay for herself , were made of thickish cotton and fastened with a coin each side and taped .
7 Eventually , he left it fully wrapped and fastened with a safety-pin .
8 Ben gets two or more walks a day and plays with a rubber ring .
9 She may be under stress and reacting with a tantrum .
10 The Royal bedroom in each car occupied roughly one-third of the car 's length , and communicated with a spacious bathroom fitted with a full-sized bath ; adjacent to the bathrooms were small sleeping compartments for the King 's valet and the Queen 's maid respectively .
11 No , I 'm not suggesting you come and sit with a stopwatch , because I think that would distract you .
12 Their grandparents had made the lounge into a bedroom so that Grandad did n't have to do the stairs with his bad legs and a bedroom had been turned into a sitting room and furnished with a table , chairs and sideboard that her parents had acquired when they got married though they had no house to put it in .
13 An aquarium of 36″ × 15″ × 12″ should be provided , and furnished with a layer of coarse ( 10mm ) aquarium gravel , upturned flowerpots for refuges , and a piece or two of bogwood are all that is required
14 I should apply a hot antiphlogistine poultice just above the fetlock and alternate with a cold hose on it twice a day . "
15 We saw this one item almost as a totemic object , tabooed for our clan , and filled with a spirit of otherness .
16 It was small , immensely hot and filled with a dense soup of the fundamental particles : quarks ( which are heavy ) and leptons ( which are light ) .
17 A room which served Coleridge in a different way stood at the back of the house on the first floor : this was Tom Poole 's vaulted bookroom , created by him early in 1795 and filled with a wide-ranging library which helped to reconcile Coleridge to the loss of his frequent visits to the City Library in Bristol .
18 Over the ages , the shallow basin-shaped depression , 45 feet deep at its centre , had been lined with layers of clay , gravel and impervious mud , and filled with a lake of peat .
19 D'Alembord was newly engaged , and filled with a touching happiness at the prospect of his marriage .
20 Fleury , Ford , Burlton , and half a dozen Sikhs , were digging a series of fougasses ( holes dug slant-wise in the ground and filled with a charge of powder and stones ) , again with the intention of preventing the sepoys from converting their retreat into a rout .
21 He drummed on the window with the flat of white , spectral hands — eyes turned to his left , in the direction of the glass doors , and filled with a fear and horror that paralysed Cardiff .
22 The May evening was warm and filled with a golden light , and as he passed the Maria-Therese gardens the scent of the lilacs hit him with an almost physical pain .
23 I used a PC which would periodically refuse to recognise the hard disk following a period of perfectly normal operation , and crash with a ‘ General System Failure ’ report .
24 But er at that time there was plenty work coming in , erm there was , there was no need for us to be apprehensive , and so therefore we had to convince the management that in the best interests of everybody , having agreed that the scheme would go on across the whole spectrum of the workforce , was to move reasonably , you know , quickly through the various machine departments and introduce with a minimum amount of frustration .
25 But what must astonish us , I think , more than the details of violence is that the only charges brought as a result of this death were against three men who were charged with assault and punished with a 20 shillings ' fine , with the additional requirement that they should pay the doctor 's bill on the dead man .
26 Just as the scathing desperation of a band 's early days helps fuel the sentiment and connect with an audience in a similar position , then a band 's later lifestyle has no connection with the audience who , quite naturally , do n't give a damn about the problems of being pop stars .
27 In fact any subject matter can be examined and taught with a significant resource-based component , although as in our examples above there is likely always to be an important place for the directed expository lesson , whether " lead " or otherwise .
28 Then the fingers began to move and the piano got louder and stopped with a final note as the hand fell on to the floor .
29 His chainsword , lifted high above the dome , descended in an arc and stopped with a tortured howl as it hit the carbon-reinforced vitreous .
30 Apply a warm khaki-green on the browbone , rounding down to the outside corner of the eye , and highlight with an orangy glow just under the arch of the eyebrow .
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