Example sentences of "and [verb] a different " in BNC.

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1 But there 's the travelling to get to the one the night after and seeing a different one every middle of the week .
2 Mum can I try and make a different .
3 Should have thought about it and got a different sort of erm temperature thing in instead of two kormas .
4 The PAC reported that the government had agreed to disband CODESA and to establish a different negotiating forum .
5 BSL involves simplification of terminology and has a different grammatical construction to spoken English .
6 Each of our forces is autonomous and has a different approach to security .
7 Over the past few years , however , live colouration has become an important criterion in taxonomy , and as synspilum differs markedly from melanurum in this respect , and has a different distribution , it is now once again generally considered a separate species , albeit probably very closely-related .
8 A 20-cent man pulls off the tail , a 22½-cent man pounds off another part where good leather is not found , and the knife of the 40-cent man cuts a different texture and has a different ‘ feel ’ from that of the 50-cent man .
9 In the preface , Coopers note that this edition ‘ has been completely rewritten and has a different structure and style ’ .
10 The books which were in the house were of another kind and pursued a different and more old-fashioned simplification ; some of them were indeed Victorian in fact as well as in tone , relics of her grandmother 's childhood .
11 Do a picture , do , do like a series of pictures , yeah , but it 's concentrating on the face but like the eyes and just try and capture a different personality from different looks of the eyes .
12 ( c ) A third approach is to divide the instruction set into a number of groups , and provide a different instruction format for each group .
13 But I said too a man of sorts , for the acknowledgement now includes crippled masculinity , and with that Joyce is free to embody and enact a different fear hinted at before in , for example , The Dead , but masked by the victim 's status of the woman thrust on so cruelly by the culture .
14 They should n't be programmed for a pattern during these exercises , in other words they would be turned off , or they too will respond to the pattern and show a different needle movement .
15 The fifth step in an assertiveness programme involves preparing and rehearsing a different way of responding to the identified situation .
16 In so far as they established the break at eleven years of age and encouraged a different curriculum from that of the elementary school the description was apt , but these changes also refined the older system of sponsored mobility for a few .
17 Should the path fail then the system backtracks to the previous decision point and takes a different path .
18 And how do we know Intercity are n't gon na come along and demand a different course ?
19 The charioteer is the nearest , but he is earlier and surely from another school , a man , and wearing a different , lighter garment .
20 Each fence on a cross country course varies , if only a little , and requires a different method of approach .
21 These are often given to very low birthweight babies ( under about 4lb ) as they are easy to digest and have a different balance of salts or minerals , especially calcium and sodium , to breast milk .
22 These figures are derived from Census of Population figures and produce a different total work force from Census of Employment figures .
23 GPs were clearly treating women differently and utilizing a different threshold or trigger for female referrals .
24 My first instinct was to back the car and find a different way round , but then in the headlights I saw that three or four men were all dressed in black shirts .
25 That is the nature of the self-punishment which Britain inflicted on itself by maintaining in its law the assertion that citizens of other countries , wholly independent and acknowledging a different head of state , were nevertheless in every respect members of the single category of ‘ British subjects ’ , possessing within the United Kingdom the rights that attach to that category .
26 Thus , if one search path turns out to be wrong , the planner can recover and try a different path .
27 Would you like to start again and try a different way ? "
28 Tap N for No and use a different filename .
29 One reason was for communications , but another reason that was rather intriguing to scientists was that they could actually look at stars and look at the space between the stars and use a different region of the spectrum , in particular the radio region .
30 ‘ It has become quite clear that every authority is pursuing a different model and taking a different approach .
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