Example sentences of "and [verb] [pn reflx] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I grabbed my dressing gown and propelled myself downstairs to the kitchen .
2 So Rémy set out to explore the situation , and laid himself out to please , and his gifts and graces , when he tried , were considerable .
3 As we spent hour after hour sitting at our work-table , all curtains drawn to intensify our concentration beneath the old-fashioned fringed standard lamp , he would from time to time ease his buttocks and balls , pulling and tugging on the firm seams of the taut , well-worn jeans or the well-rubbed brown needle cords , scratching and stroking himself idly , as if unselfconsciously in the most private places with those delicate fingers with the bitten nails and his big , warm palms .
4 Why do n't you just pull your socks up and smarten yourselves up ?
5 Ho , as well as Bao Dai , was to be consulted and it would be put to him that if he was the real nationalist which he professed to be he would ‘ accept loyally the decisions and mandates of the government and the subsequent constituent assembly , etc. and bind himself unequivocally not to … subvert the true nationalism of his people or a government that might emerge from the multilateral effort ’ .
6 But come in , my dears , and sit yourselves down . ’
7 ‘ You can take yer bonnet off and sit yerself down .
8 ‘ Come in , Mr Brayton and sit yourself down . ’
9 ‘ Come and sit yourself down , ’ he invited .
10 When you have worked through the sensations , looked at them from all angles and asked yourself why they have entered your life and what is to be gained from them , it is important to be able to let them go .
11 And then he wondered who she was in love with in London , to have kept a watch on another time ; and asked himself why in Christ she had come with him , in that case ; and at the same moment reflected about some plays , for he truly liked the theatre .
12 And asked himself how she came by it .
13 Within minutes father returned home , lifted the new-born baby in his arms , and redeemed himself somewhat by pronouncing , " I dedicate this child to the glory of God and the salvation of the world . "
14 Other members of the curia also by the late twelfth century had been nurtured on Parisian ideas and Lothar himself later promoted some of his fellow scholars to high office in the Church .
15 If you make him feel that he should be getting dressed , and he tries to do so before he is ready , in rehabilitation terms , he will certainly increase his spasticity and make himself even less capable of learning the movements .
16 And then he 'd lock the doors to the reception block , and he 'd retire to his back room and make himself as small as a child on his bunk in the corner .
17 Now go on , go home and make yourself even more beautiful than you already are — knock their eyes out at the party . ’
18 ‘ As the other dressers have vanished , you 'd better stay up this end and make yourself very visible .
19 It was essential that we become more professional in our outlook and make ourselves more financially viable .
20 In those dark days when I was recovering from my knee injury I 'd play a video of an England match and upset myself all over again .
21 She shivered and hugged herself tighter .
22 One species of beetle in Brazil , when alarmed , immediately folds up its legs and flattens itself sideways , exposing its white underside and so takes on the appearance of a bird dropping .
23 It simply means loving and accepting yourself unconditionally as you are .
24 Charles rose and after a few mumbled words about thanks , and keeping in touch , and being cheerful , and seeing himself out , he left .
25 It was n't until I heard Dennis say , ‘ I 'll just fetch up another bottle of the Hunter Valley ’ that it was borne in on me that the woman who was frenching me and bringing herself off on my belt buckle was none other than Karen Parsons , the wife of Dennis Parsons , who was currently six feet away on the other side of the dining-room door and closing rapidly .
26 Lennox also hit back at critics , who claim he should have avoided the dangerous Ruddock and hidden himself away for a world title shot , snapping : ‘ I know the British fight fans will respect me for going in against the best instead of facing an easy touch .
27 Then he lay down again carefully , putting his hand and arm on the far side of the body and easing himself down so that he was partly lying on Patrick , his trunk upon his trunk , his legs upon his legs , and , as he supported himself on his arms , his face just above the skeleton face .
28 Larsen then passed the window pane down to Grant , and lowered himself through in turn .
29 Joe had climbed up over the side of the nearest and lowered himself in , rubbish sliding unsteadily beneath him , and then he 'd found his balance and hunkered down and started to sift .
30 ‘ As a kid , when you wan na vanish from your parents and environment , you know you can barrel off there and hide yourself quite effectively .
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