Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 As glossy as a fashion-plate , Karl jumped up , grasped Herr Nordern 's hand , and beamed into his face .
2 He took the cigarette holder out of his wide mouth and beamed at his visitor , his Roosevelt smile , warm and toothy .
3 What she did see was hair the colour of rich , ruby port wine , swept up , somehow , from the forehead and hanging past her shoulders in a heavy , shining mass that curled under at the sides and bottom like a long page-boy bob .
4 Yvonne says , fanning her mouth and hanging onto my arm .
5 Infants who die of dehydration , their tongues blackened ( their mothers say ) and hanging from their mouths , compete for attention with equally brutal images of thirst-driven sertanejos who walk hundreds of kilometres to escape the drought of the sertão or hinterland .
6 I see me in my shame , the horror of this hour ; mascara fallout littering my face like ashes , my skin dank with the sweat of Crilly and myself , my underwear torn and hanging from my hips , and me , small and stoned and sobbing , beneath the stern emphatic white of Siobhan 's cross .
7 Frank leaned forward and whispered through his translator .
8 ‘ But if they only looked at me coldly , and whispered behind their hands about me , and then left me one by one ? ’
9 Lee took them from her and kissed her and whispered in her ear : ‘ Be nice to Conrad , ’ because she knew Philippa considered him decadent and damned .
10 He kissed her again , on the forehead this time , and whispered in her ear , ‘ Kiss me back , McAllister .
11 When the man who waited with her crept to her shoulder and whispered in her ear , as he did several times between his nervous pacings about the room , she made him no answer , and never seemed even to be aware of him , though her braced tension made it plain that nothing that passed in this apartment escaped her instant notice .
12 She stepped forward on tiptoe and whispered in his ear .
13 Suddenly the old man grabbed him and whispered in his ear , ‘ Shh !
14 She flinched , and whispered in his ear , ‘ Ouch , you 're pulling at my wool . ’
15 " This way we 'll get to see more of the real Saigon , " he said loudly for the benefit of their father — then he winked confidentially at Joseph and whispered in his ear : " And the last one there is a horse 's ass .
16 A servant scurried in , leaned over Sir Richard 's shoulder and whispered in his ear .
17 The man behind me leant forward and whispered in my ear , ‘ Tell that guy to quit yapping will you ?
18 At midnight , the nice Salvation Army wife , who had travelled with us , shook my arm and whispered in my ear , ‘ Be careful , there 's a man at your feet .
19 After dinner on our last night , then , while Anne was pouring coffee at the sideboard , Poppy walked behind my chair and whispered in my ear .
20 A courtier leaned over and whispered in my ear .
21 They manhandled Mr Reagan to the side of the stage and pounced on his attacker , forcing him over the podium to check him for any possible weapons before dragging him away .
22 I do not see how the Asian and West Indian pupils that I am responsible for can take on English behaviour for half a day when they are at school and change to their culture when they are at home .
23 In a society that legitimises its forms of truth by appeal to ‘ science ’ and ‘ objectivity ’ , a person 's case will certainly appear stronger if she or he can demonstrate that the other side is ‘ context-bound ’ and limited in their deployment of such logical abilities as ‘ abstraction ’ .
24 I have to say that I find this criticism surprising since , as I have already said , the section is in my judgment clear , unambiguous and limited in its scope .
25 It squeaked and jingled on its hinges as they swung it behind them .
26 She went to the till , which jounced and jingled at her bidding .
27 I see him sluggish and stoned in my mind 's eye , his ginger hair and heavy lidded eyes , his clammy , groping hands and nothing to call his own .
28 The Wilton weaving department was moved and centralised into its present location .
29 Faced with a massive majority in the House of Commons and racked by their own internal problems , for much of the decade the opposition parties had a distinctly toothless appearance .
30 We noticed the wide range of realizations in chapter 4 ( table 4.2 , p. 97 ) and commented on its regularity .
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