Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It included measures to eliminate imbalances which had emerged in 1988-89 , to improve external competitiveness and to promote reforms in the financial sector .
2 1992 will see the launch of a new campaign by Pest Control 's South West area to stem the tide of terminations and to promote prospects for new business .
3 and whispered platitudes in code
4 John Bryan and topless Fergie exchanged tender glances and whispered confidences like lovers do .
5 The poignant melody made him think of soft feminine sighs , warm arms and whispered words of love in the dark of night .
6 If they are prepared they normally have colouring and smelling additives on them which attract the fish .
7 On my left were the high stone walls and pillared entrances of several substantial late Victorian grey sandstone villas , built for a once prosperous merchant class to escape the odours and the bustle of the expanding industrial city .
8 The implications of a more general dispersal of prestige items , as is generally the case outside Kent , is of a less developed society more dependent on primitive valuables moving horizontally and cementing relationships between major and minor allies .
9 Methods that detect the incorporation of a DNA precursor such as [ 3 H ] - thymidine labelling or immunocytochemical detection of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine ( BrdU ) are direct and confine measurements of DNA synthesis in active S phase proliferating cells .
10 It is one of the primary purposes of cultivation that we affect and change conditions in favour of the plants and to the detriment of their enemies .
11 A short bridging scene has been included between Susan and Barbara to allow a camera time to get onto its marks and change lenses for the Inlay shot .
12 Tivoli Management Environment Release 1.6 adds configuration and change services to the software , claimed to simplify and automate the process of setting up , maintaining and changing large-scale client/server networks , a task that often takes up over half of a system managers time , according to Tivoli .
13 The Soviet worker is free to choose his/her job and change jobs at will according to how they see their individual interests and inclinations .
14 You can add new words or phrases and change translations to a form which suits your way of remembering things .
15 The task of the language teacher is a difficult one : to facilitate a degree of socialization which will enable learners to send and receive text as discourse , while also guarding their right to be different and to enrich others through that difference , bringing to the language they are learning the wealth of their own individuality and culture .
16 Joyce and her mother would wash , unpick , iron and re-cut articles from the poor box , making them into garments which their original owners would have been hard pressed to recognise .
17 He equated a lone tree with a lonely person , and paired trees in the same way that he paired humans .
18 Thus if a seller entrusts identified and appropriated goods to a carrier with instructions that they be conveyed to the buyer but not handed over until the buyer has paid , the goods will remain the seller 's property until the buyer pays for them .
19 The sample of courses chosen by Molloy and Carroll was designed to include a relatively high proportion of NSE students and it provides very useful material about the relative performance of SE and NSE students on these courses .
20 Management at Digital wanted employees to change jobs and develop skills as the products and the production process developed .
21 In addition , although the deputy head was clearly exhausted by the enormity of the task he had set himself , he had found the experience sufficiently valuable to recommend that all teachers should extend their understanding of curriculum evaluation and develop skills in addition to the testing of pupil outcomes .
22 It is probable that there will be several different approaches in one class and the trainers will have to enable each of the students to take control of their own learning and develop skills in a way which is most effective for them .
23 Uses a case study analysis and problem-solving approach to help students appreciate cultural and social problems , analyse communication breakdown and develop strategies for communication , with particular reference to the US workplace .
24 These groups might enter into semi-permanent contracts with academics who had similar interests , and develop rules about who could and could not take part in a ‘ course ’ in a particular ‘ subject ’ and how that ‘ course ’ should be conducted .
25 She has found that she can interest modern teenagers , and develop attitudes of stillness and attentiveness and reflectiveness , through detailed study of certain masterpieces .
26 Noting " the special situation of the Middle East as a primary area of tension " , the five also undertook to observe " rules of restraint " and develop modalities of consultation and exchange of information concerning arms transfers to the region .
27 It has to incorporate a wide range of factors and develop methods of investigation other than laboratory experiments .
28 The new product , based on Notes 3.0 , will enable Unix users to communicate , share information and develop applications with users of OS/2 , Windows and now also Macintosh versions of Lotus Notes .
29 The new product , based on Notes 3.0 , will let Unix users communicate , share information and develop applications with users of OS/2 , Windows and now also Macintosh versions of Lotus Notes .
30 Silicon Graphics Inc has signed a joint venture contract with five investors through its Hong Kong subsidiary to create Shenzhen Chess Computer Co Ltd , which will manufacture Silicon Graphics ' Iris Indigo RISC personal computer and develop applications for it in Shenzen Special Economic Zone , China .
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