Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We took a two-hour tour of South London with Eva drinking Guinness and hanging out the window cheering as we passed down the Old Kent Road , stopping beside the famous site of Dr Lal 's surgery and the dance hall of love , where Mum met Dad and fell .
2 When we get up , the weight of our bodies compresses these discs and squeezes out the extra fluid .
3 She was always a busy , tidy little girl , going around the house at night making sure all the curtains were drawn and tucking up the zoo of small furry animals which crowded her bed — she has kept them to this day .
4 He lapsed into a sullen silence as the cab left the confines of the airport terminal and cruised up the turnpike onto the freeway .
5 We completed the first four Munros with relative ease , since there is little rising or dropping between peaks , and cruised along a gloriously flat section of the ridge having fantasies about lunch .
6 Just a scrape and snipping off a polyp . ’
7 It 's only a minor op , after all , and snipping off a polyp , so I do n't think I shall bother to go up tonight — we 're far too busy here , and anyway , my father will be there , and I do n't really think she 's expecting me , so I 'll wait until tomorrow — ’
8 The agents of the Phoenix King could appear at any time and drag away the most reputable people .
9 The mob tried to overturn it and drag out the driver .
10 A high and uncertain rate of inflation is disturbing because it reduces the efficiency of the market economy and slows down the process of economic growth .
11 A computer chip checks voltage levels within the battery , and slows down the recharging process if this increases too rapidly , thereby , according to Innovations , avoiding the danger of explosive gases building up .
12 For students — young people and adults alike — it will mean more opportunities to gain new skills , obtain qualifications and develop fully the roles that they need to fulfil themselves at work and as citizens .
13 Improv provides business an professional users with a unique set of capabilities for dynamic viewing and analysis , and , for building spreadsheets that can be easily reused , modified and shared over a long lifecycle .
14 Bill Potter took a glass of sherry , and shared out a bottle of sparkling wine .
15 Organised in regular gangs or teams on the model of seasonal harvesters , led by an elected captain who negotiated terms and shared out the proceeds of the contract , poor peasants from Italy , Croatia or Ireland would criss-cross continents or even oceans to provide labour for the builders of towns , factories or railways .
16 Travelling home by train after visiting a virgin site , he would write up his notes and sketch out a design while the memory was still fresh .
17 As silence fell , he snatched up the green telephone and stabbed out the number of the Internal Security department .
18 One important question in this area awaits a final answer : if , on its proper construction , the statutory authority exempts the undertaker from Rylands v. Fletcher liability and imposes only an obligation to use due care , upon whom does the burden of proof lie ?
19 The sky was beginning to lighten to the east , streaks of day , as bright as magnesium flares , at the meeting point of sea and air set a fresh breeze stirring and whipped up a rhythm on the water 's surface .
20 At last the cabby climbed up to his seat and whipped up the horse .
21 The curtains were still pulled and he placed one of the packages of groceries on the table , holding the other to his side as he went across the room and whipped back the heavy green curtains .
22 I saw the barrels begin to spin and that 's when I snatched up Barry and whipped out the trusty Smith and West Wittering .
23 The accident happened at about 7:40am when the lorry , travelling towards Stirling , crossed the central reservation and hit the car , which was heading towards Glasgow , before plunging off the motorway and careering down an embankment and landing on the A883 Denny-Falkirk road .
24 The strength of neo-elitism is best seen against the background of pluralism ; as a critique of pluralism it introduces the concept of non-decision-making and points up the failure of pluralist methods to define properly what is meant by the term ‘ key issues ’ .
25 He knows every corner and brick of the cathedral and points out the glories of the 11th-century ( Romanesque ) triforium with its later , inferior , 14th-century equivalent : ‘ You do see , do n't you ? ’
26 The new law increases fines for shopworkers found guilty of selling cigarettes to children to £2,500 and tightens up the previous legislation in a number of other ways .
27 Hastings , who has played only 40 minutes on the tour , increased speculation that all was not well when he declined a round of golf today significant as the Watsonians star is a golf fanatic and plays off a seven handicap .
28 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
29 Nicholas looked at what he had been doing , which was nothing very much , and laid down the stone and the knife and , clasping his knees , looked at Diniz .
30 By experiment and observation , Hahnemann worked out the drug pictures of many remedies and laid down the principles whereby they were to be used — remedies and principles which are still as valid today as they were when Hahnemann first discovered them .
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