Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 Affliction succeeds in taking the detailing associated with Raymond Carver-style dirty realism and fusing it with the pace of a detective story .
2 Oriental dragons were not bloodthirsty like the Worms in England , and a pretty story tells us that the beautiful colours of autumn leaves are a result of a nearby dragon yawning and tinging them with his warm breath , before settling down to his winter hibernation .
3 Fellow worker Hazel Goff , who has St John 's Ambulance training , then administered first aid , cutting away Mr Chittenden 's burnt clothing and sponging him with water .
4 In Wrexham grandfather had been an active Gladstonian Liberal , and concerned himself with the temperance movement and local government .
5 Love voted for exclusion and concerned himself with related topics .
6 But there are a few who are questioning the state of play , and who agree with Ben Whitaker ( 1979 : 312 ) when he urged ‘ that police thinking would profit if it more often came out of its shell and concerned itself with wider questions about the role of the police and human relations ’ .
7 A programme of national assessment began in May 1978 and concerned itself with the standard achieved by 11 year olds .
8 Instead , I just lit up a straight fag and shared it with her , Bogart style .
9 ( Some pocket calculators will do this ; otherwise one obtains a random integer of 5 or 6 digits from a random number table and precedes it with a decimal point . )
10 Jim ( no one who knows him calls him Iggy ) being Jim was squatting on the table stuffing everyone else 's venison into his roll and eating it with his fingers .
11 He said that he will be continuing with Mary 's work of dealing with residents ' worries and complaints — ‘ pointing them in the direction of the right person to help them ’ — and assisting them with official forms , etc .
12 He used wholemeal flour to make bread , scones , pies and cakes , concocted elaborate salads and dosed himself with vitamins .
13 If you believe the Thames Valley CID — not the account they gave at the inquest , when the events were still fresh in everyone 's minds , but the one they came up with in the months following my return to this country — then having lured Dennis on to the river and dosed him with draughts of spiked bubbly , Karen and I went ‘ One , two , three ’ and heaved him overboard .
14 Ellie provoked and stimulated Mr O'Mara with her inquisitive and questioning mind , and entertained him with her ever truthful and utterly pragmatic approach , while the kindness , respect and affection that he had accorded Ellie had enabled her to grow quickly and painlessly from a gauche teenager into a poised young woman .
15 I use a very old Gibson pickup and wired it with hardcore , heavy duty cable on a guitar built by a guy out in San Francisco called Gary Brower .
16 The offender drove up behind the victim as she was walking in the street one evening with her daughter , aged two and a half , and attacked her with a hammer , striking her two blows on the leg and one on the knee .
17 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
18 Madame raised her crackling voice from the large brown desk where she presided in the hall beyond , and asked them with unusual largesse if they would like some refreshment .
19 And helping them with advice as well .
20 Margaret Flynn has enjoyed meeting electors , learning their views , and helping them with their problems .
21 Order Code : 9350 Total Disks : 1 This program is ideal for introducing children to computers and helping them with their spelling .
22 Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells and supplies you with energy , particularly important for women during their monthly cycle when you may often lack energy and feel tired .
23 ‘ Damnation ’ will approach his target and introduce himself with an opening line which usually goes something like , ‘ Hi .
24 ‘ Be there — or you 'll really get fucked , ’ he hissed , jabbing a manicured index finger at my face and transfixing me with lifeless black eyes .
25 Holliman decided that they had to take cover , so they scuttled into a patch of scrub and camouflaged themselves with nets .
26 Choose a scheme that will tone in with your tablecloth and china or pick out one small colour detail and highlight it with your floral display .
27 One of my colleagues , no doubt swayed by the heat of the discussion , turned on me sitting in my short-sleeved uniform shirt , and rebuked me with the warning that ‘ in my force , you 'd be disciplined for mutilating police property …
28 She picked up the menu and scanned it with the air of a gourmet .
29 Jamie has no demons like you and defies you with being a skunk Repulsive to humanity and most of the animal kingdom , but irresistible to another skunk !
30 ‘ Remember to keep a contact and tickle him with your stick if he feels idle , ’ she said .
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