Example sentences of "and [modal v] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Twin Oaks looks a great type for the fences and may be the hardest to beat but I also have a healthy respect for Cool Ground and Brown Windsor .
2 ‘ It is as large as a galaxy itself and may be the original material of a potential star system that never really formed , ’ says Terzian .
3 Vulcan is probably the most powerful laser in Europe , and may be the most versatile high-power laser in the world .
4 The silver coinage of the late seventh century took over the developing role of gold coin and may be the first true cash in England for commercial transactions .
5 Some Cenozoic magmas are certainly related to young subducting slab and may be the product of slab melting .
6 In the long run , therefore , it should make business sense and may be the only thing that brings peace of mind .
7 Even when an object such as a picture frame or set of clothes is highly ornate and may be the topic of conversation , it is usually intended to pall before the glory or that which it encloses : the work of art or the person .
8 Fetal trisomy with subsequent selective chromosome loss has already been demonstrated to have significant effects on fetal well-being , and may be the initiating step in the development of disorders associated with uniparental disomy .
9 It was the first ( and may be the best ) example of reaching a synthesis on the basis of experimental evidence , mathematical intuition , and prophetic insight .
10 This was certainly the case in Belfast , and may be the underlying reason for Labov 's apparent preference for recording in public , non-domestic settings .
11 A son Cynehelm was evidently buried at Winchcombe , and may be the ealdorman Cynehelm who last witnesses a genuine charter in 811 .
12 In other places they seem to be in situ and may be the eroded residuals of reefs built in relation to earlier , higher sea levels .
13 Third , there are a few sources which fire repeatedly : these lie at depths between about 300 km and 800 km and may be the result of tidal stresses produced in the Moon by the Earth .
14 These are most evident at the south-eastern end of the enclosure and may be the wealthier houses noted by Artis , at least one of which had Alwalton marble slabs on its walls .
15 In its fully developed form , the acute phase response is illness — fever , malaise , anorexia , leukocytosis , negative nitrogen balance — which forms a cardinal response of the body to infection and trauma , and may be the result of many immunological reactions and inflammatory processes .
16 Well we have production course you have made your appointment to see Mr and Mrs who are existing clients of , you will now conduct the first appointment starting with greeting and appropriate sociability which is the first part of step one , through to producing the C C Q and then further copy pages two and four of the attached C C Q in your booklet , so two and four are er we 've got four and two , the personal details and may be the wrong way round there , so it 's advisable to say you complete the first part of it , page two and then the employment details okay , so you doing a little bit of exploring there so if you like you can be doing all of step one and a little bit of step two , buying in this particular role playing .
17 IMRO ( Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation ) has a degree of commonality with the TSA and AFDB and may be the subject of further consolidation of SROs in the future .
18 This remains a good way of doing things , and must be the most pain-free way of building up a stock of components .
19 The gull wing doors which are unique to the TB range — and decidedly difficult to open when you 're standing on the wing — provide good access once you 're used to them and must be the easiest escape routes around in light aviation if there is a mishap .
20 Production data , breeding schemes and must be the priority of every serious goat breeder , then may be progress will be made .
21 The official business of these essentially philosophical rather than scientific views is and must be the first or conceptual matter , the analysis of our conception of causation .
22 Eating behaviour is disturbed and must be the focus of explicit attention .
23 The old company must be a trading company or the holding company of a trading group , and must be the " personal company " of the person making the disposal , of which he must be a full-time working " officer or employee " ( adopting the revised definitions for the new retirement relief ) .
24 Kevin Ball ( centre back ) : A knee injury received in the semi-final victory over Norwich threatened to wreck his Wembley dream but he has recovered and must be the leading contender to partner Anton Rogan in the centre of the defence .
25 Balcon took Hitchcock 's departure hard , as well as that of another protégé , Robert Stevenson , feeling it reduced the chances of realizing his conviction that ‘ London could and should be the capital of the film world . ’
26 In 1914 Ronald Jones argued that ‘ Everyone will now agree that a building should sincerely interpret the object for which it was erected , and should be the natural outcome of the conditions … of its own period and place ’ .
27 Investigating allegations of child abuse is skilled and stressful work and should be the focus of greater interest on the part of researchers .
28 At first sight a matter of user opinion , assessment of convenience is more involved and should be the subject of objective rather than subjective analysis by a technique known as decision path analysis ( DPA ) .
29 We believe that the macro-economic major help to which my hon. Friend refers should come through the International Monetary Fund and should be the result of a reform process with which the IMF is associated .
30 By contrast , I make it clear that Labour believes it is right and just and should be the first priority for pensioners to get an increase of £5 a week for a single pensioner and £8 a week for a married couple , given the mean and miserable way in which they have been treated over the past decade .
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