Example sentences of "and [vb -s] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But her pouch has a muscle around its mouth which contracts like a draw-string and shuts so tightly when she goes into the water that her young are in no danger of drowning .
2 However Ingres reports increasing interest from other sectors and goes so far as to suggest that the Enhanced Security features may become an optional part of the standard Ingres database in the release after next .
3 Larissa talks of going beyond structuralism and goes so far as to disown it : ‘ of course I am not a structuralist I never have been I merely played with it ’ ( 84/662 ) .
4 This is caused by the slow leaching of elements from the unstable early soda glasses , and has so far proved impossible to replicate .
5 This year 's best seller was Save The Earth by Jonathan Porritt which was published simultaneously in 17 countries in local languages and has so far sold more than 500,000 copies .
6 His work remains largely in the hands of private collectors , and has so far escaped the reassessment and appreciation give to fellow Cubists Picasso , Braque and Leger in recent years .
7 His latest project ‘ The Duchess of Sutherland ’ , which is a copy of the full size engines and has so far taken him three years to build is just one of the engines which can be seen .
8 The domestic programme kicked off in December and has so far rounded up 32 resellers out of a desired 50 with access to key accounts , Unix expertise and a vertical orientation .
9 The ratio between the number of contracts in the two legs of a spread can be termed ‘ the spread ratio ’ ( denoted p ) , and has so far been unity .
10 ‘ That the spy here must have special means of conveying such information to his master and has so far failed to use it .
11 It was flown by Benjamin , two days before Christmas 1991 , and has so far not shown signs of problems associated with the originals .
12 Everybody else in cricket claims to have been aware and says so readily .
13 Looking back at the works of Marx and Engels so far examined we can see that these leave a fairly clear picture concerning some topics , and major uncertainties concerning others .
14 He puts so much into it , and expects so much every time .
15 I have nothing against thorns and prickles so long as you can admire them from a safe distance .
16 Another thousand pounds , if it could be obtained , would perhaps be sufficient for the building of a small Laboratory , and for the cleaning and repairs so urgently required both in the Schoolrooms and in the School house . "
17 In short , there are places in Fanon 's writing where homosexuality is itself demonized as both a cause and an effect of the demonizing psychosexual organization of racism which Fanon elsewhere describes and analyses so compellingly .
18 Dervaux conducts much of the set and does so well .
19 Thus , for instance , the implied term that goods supplied under a contract of sale should be fit for the buyer 's purpose ( SGA 1979 , s14(3) ) only applies if the buyer makes known to the seller the purpose for which it wants the goods , relies on the seller 's skill or judgment , and does so reasonably .
20 It covers much ground in 100 pages and 100 references and does so clearly .
21 It grows very large — and does so extremely quickly .
22 Woe betide a Soviet regime which shoots Russian and Eastern Ukrainian miners , the elite of the working class in the supposed land of the proletariat , and does so moreover in an era when suppression of news is no longer possible and society is rapidly organising itself autonomously of the state .
23 Perhaps more significant than evidence of this kind is the simple fact that Jesus , on a number of crucial occasions in the Gospels , acts like a king , and does so quite deliberately .
24 When a country surrenders its right to issue its own coinage , and does so irrevocably , it loses its sovereignty and thus the basis of its existence as a separate nation state .
25 It is suddenly hoisted into the air by a set of teeth , and becomes so delightfully frightening that the horses snort and leap — and your jumper disappears at a gallop down the paddock .
26 The single case was used for the straightforward earth burial and was by far the most common coffin type — and remains so today .
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