Example sentences of "and [is] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Rover has launched a Metro special offer this month and is hoping for an improvement .
2 After an amazing cross country round yesterday with her agile horse Knockdrin Vina finished in first position with 49 points after the dressage , and is hoping for a clear round today to win the £1,500 national championship and title .
3 But Ian Shiels , who works in the warehouse and has been responsible for football activity in the past , is aware of this and is hoping for better things to come .
4 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
5 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
6 Novella no longer needs to feel gratitude that in her case she has a father who has allowed her to teach in his place ; she has parted the curtain and is speaking for herself — in as many tongues as she pleases .
7 His note on the beast of Chapter Seventeen of Revelation , the beast which does n't exist and still has to appear and is destined for perdition , is ‘ generalhuman ’ — the word he coined for Notes from Underground and incidentally never used again in his fiction .
8 Poor Pat already thinks he 's been raised from the dead and is destined for some great thing , to help Marcus to save the world ! ’
9 While there will be a real residual value , after five years of high utilisation this will not be great and is ignored for the purpose of this comparison as being common to both instances .
10 This naturally cured beef comes from only the finest fillets and is matured for up to five months .
11 The wooden machinery is driven by an undershot waterwheel , and is operated for visitors on some afternoons in summer , producing wholewheat flour by the traditional method between two pairs of millstones .
12 ‘ The Tasmanian Devil ’ has claimed over 350 victims in all quarters of the United States in the last year , and is noted for the savage ingenuity of his frenzied attacks .
13 Now he 's sueing the Ford motor company in America and is calling for improved safety in all vehicles .
14 He 's a former patient of the Wolfeson , and is cared for by his wife , a nurse who he met at the centre .
15 During their lives faithful Roman Catholics are taught that by certain sacraments a person becomes a Christian , obtains ongoing pardon for sins and is prepared for the life hereafter .
16 Preston this dank October morn has encountered greater hazards and is prepared for more .
17 The 3270/X software will provide 3270 client capability , with integrated access to other network resources such as Unix , X-Windows applications and standard character terminal applications , and is planned for first quarter 1993 .
18 The nursery is situated at 79 and 81 Dalkeith Road and is registered for 18 children aged from 6 weeks to 2 years and for 30 children aged from 2 to 5 years old .
19 And I think there is this dividing line that there is the pure craft where the object is functional and is made for a specific purpose , but is beautifully made , but there is also the craftsman who crosses the barrier between art and craft , who makes beautiful objects that are perhaps non functional , and then of course you 're in the controversial field .
20 All in all , the company believes it is in good shape and is positioned for growth .
21 When a healthy black person seeks employment and is tested for the sickle-cell anaemia gene , then is refused employment because there may be an extra risk under certain conditions , this is unfair .
22 In both , ICI employs world-scale state-of-the-art technology , offers a competitive range of products and is recognized for the application development work it undertakes in co-operation with customers .
23 Louis Gerstner was by no means the first , and IBM Corp has been actively hiring executives from outside the company since the beginning of the year , Associated Press reports : it says that IBM has hired about 30 outside executives in the past two years and is searching for 50 more ; incomers include Robert Howe , 48 , general manager , IBM Consulting Group , former head of worldwide financial services practice at consulting firm Booz-Allen & Hamilton ; Michael Cannon , 40 , vice-president , personal systems storage devices , Adstar , former senior vice-president , worldwide operations at Syquest Technology Inc ; John Osborne , 39 , sales director , Personal Software Products , former vice-president of sales and marketing at Zenith Data Systems Inc ; Jon Cornell , 53 , assistant general manager , original equipment manufacturers sales and marketing , IBM Technology Products , former president , Harris Corp ; John Singleton , 56 , general manager , business development , Integrated Systems Solution Corp , former chief executive , Security Pacific Automation Co ; and Clare Thain , 43 , advertising and promotion director , IBM US , who was formerly the managing partner at Ronald James Direct .
24 The ‘ amateur ’ athlete who has travel expenses to meetings paid by sponsors and is compensated for loss of earnings , has market value to promoters and is an integral part of a market economy .
25 The company , which has just concluded preliminary talks with 13 potential predators and is poised for big cuts in staffing costs , pledged to try to recover all the money lost through the ISC affair .
26 Littlewoods , meanwhile has been gathering its forces and is poised for a comeback .
27 Rowland Compliance Testing [ which was formerly known as Power Certification Limited ] has established a substantial portfolio of quality blue-chip customers throughout the country , and is poised for substantial growth .
28 But Coun Tony Richmond , leader of the council Conservatives , has now been in touch with the South African embassy in London to set up a trade visit to the town , and is to ask for all-party support at next week 's council meeting .
29 A council covers an area with a population ranging from 200 to 600 people and is elected for a six-month or one-year period of office .
30 For example , a 6-month CD could have a 30-day rollover ; this means that the interest rate on the CD is related to 6-month LIBID and is fixed for 30 days , and will change every 30 days if LIBID has changed .
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