Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The pulsar has a period of 102ms and slows with a characteristic age of 17,300yr .
2 Ice crystallizes out and accumulates in a surface layer which thickens and consolidates ; on calm nights with air temperatures well below freezing point a layer 20 cm deep may form overnight and be firm enough to take the weight of a man by morning .
3 Ben gets two or more walks a day and plays with a rubber ring .
4 Keith has his good side — he laughs a lot and plays in a limited way with a toy garage , cars and some Lego .
5 Keith has his good side — he laughs a lot and plays in a limited way with a toy garage , cars and some Lego .
6 The Baby parade has continued ever since , encompassing such ditties as ‘ I Found A Million Dollar Baby In A Five And Ten Cent Store ’ , ‘ You Better Keep Babying Baby ( Or Your Baby 's Gon na Bye-Bye You ) ’ , and ‘ Baby Let Your Drawers Hang Down ’ , the latter being performed at Babe Connors ' Club in St Louis , where the girls did bumps and grinds on a mirror floor .
7 John McGahern , on the other hand , writes , speaks and thinks in a style that is so sparse it defies anyone to deny the truth at its core .
8 There is a simple sense that Coleridge is happy to write them , that although Kubla Khan has its savage side , it is a savage side in which he revels and although Frost at Midnight carries lonely memories ( particularly bitter to someone so desperate for love ) he overcomes them and thinks upon a happy future instead .
9 Instead of fleeing , like most small birds approached this closely , the cut-throat sits firm and hisses like a snake .
10 I had nightmares about scrums and tackles from a very early age and refused to play as a linesman , in case I got involved in violence .
11 Thus H-YRDN ( which is translated throughout the Bible as Jordan ) is not the name of a river but means the ‘ Ridge ’ and refers to a huge escarpment which dominates Asir and explains , says Salibi , why the Old Testament nowhere makes reference to the Jordan as a river .
12 The word ‘ spiritual ’ , for the purpose of the Alternative Religion , has been defined above and refers to a characteristic of developed human life .
13 The following evidence was printed in summer 1800 , and refers to a public letter by Devismes which has not yet been traced :
14 Jon Thompson 's exhibition at the Hayward repeats the liquorice allsorts nature of Celant 's compendium , except that he proposes that the work is ‘ sculpture ’ and refers to a ‘ new type of imagery ’ in the single contextual panel in the exhibition .
15 It talks of the need to succeed where Adolf Hitler failed , and refers to a ‘ well-known Oxford University zoologist Dr John Baker ’ who argues in favour of racial purity .
16 The Archway Studio is just outside St Ives and belongs to a woman painter called Eileen Rich .
17 The masons were busy with their mallets and chisels inside a makeshift hut on the site and it was easy to talk to them privately .
18 The neck joint is similar to Ibanez and Heartfield 's ‘ all access ’ variety which does away with the usual bulky metal plate and offers as an alternative four recessed bolts and a sloping , shaped heel , which really does feel good under the hand .
19 For the purposes of the Code , this expression includes takeover and merger transactions ( including reverse takeovers ) , partial offers , Court Schemes and offers by a parent company for shares in a subsidiary .
20 A coroner has warned of the dangers of blocked chimneys and flues at an inquest on a woman who was suffocated by fumes from a boiler .
21 It has up to 64 input-output channels , supports TCP/IP and Ethernet , has C++ , C , and Fortran libraries with VAX extensions , supports Oracle in a client-server environment and fits in a deskside cabinet 29″ by 18″ by 30″ .
22 Alice , 12 , the youngest daughter of Mr Patten and his wife Lavender , lives with her parents at Government House , and goes to a local English school .
23 Your call is free and goes to a central advisory unit rather than to your local Social Security office .
24 and goes on a course where everybody starts
25 From Holt Fleet the Way crosses the parkland of Ombersley Court and passes through the village of Ombersley and across Westwood Park to the town of Droitwich the route continues along the Roman Salt Way and goes through a variety of farms , follows a canal and passes through several small villages .
26 And when I come to stay , that darling girl Riva — the one you met last week — always gives up her own bed and sleeps on a sofa in her father 's study … ’
27 However , four goals in the last 23 minutes quietened the boos and whistles from a crowd which arrived with great expectations and feared they would go home asking for more , much more .
28 A transcendent monster is not a monster who has escaped the loch and sits on a hill outside it .
29 McGrath 's inseparable companion is also a welcome guest and sits on a chair to the manner born with a serviette tucked into his collar .
30 A broad wheel of small diameter , it is of the overshot , pitch-back type and sits below a ‘ launder ’ , or large iron tank , which accepts water from the ‘ flume ’ , connected with the mill-pond , so that water is ducted on to the top of the wheel , causing it to rotate backwards .
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