Example sentences of "and [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She supplies the book 's hasty conclusion after the death at Lydiard Constantine of Philip — a partial picture of one side of the Battersea Grammar School Edward : At this point the people of Abercorran House — even Jessie and Aurelius- and the dogs that stretched out in death like blessedness under the sun , and the pigeons that courted and were courted in the yard and on the roof , all suddenly retreat from me when I come to that Spring in memory ; a haze of ghostly , shimmering silver veils them ; without Philip they are as people in a story whose existence I can not prove .
2 The failure to identify bed sharing as a risk factor in non-Maori children was probably due to the very small proportion of infants in this group who both shared a bed and were exposed to maternal smoking .
3 She feels angry that the public were given so little information and were exposed to such large amounts of radiation , unable to take any precautions to protect themselves .
4 It is the root of our sense of smell and taste , fear and desire , and it still remembers the dragons we ate and were eaten by .
5 Rome had at this time little interest in the lands beyond , which lay mainly in the highland zone and were inhabited by the earlier and less civilized peoples .
6 Some officers broke ranks and were met with a volley of stones .
7 They arrived safely and were met by the royal purveyor from Kinghorn ( also called Alexander ) who had brought horses down to the beach for the royal party ; these included the King 's favourite , a white mare called Tamesin which he had left at Kinghorn for the Queen 's own use .
8 If they needed further proof of their belief that they were on the right track , they were given it when they went to arrest Griffiths and were met by a hail of bullets ; after a chase in which Griffiths killed one man and wounded others , he was shot dead while resisting arrest .
9 Lydia and Betty were the first to arrive and were met by two of the farm dogs — one charming , one not , like pairs of detective inspectors .
10 Most of the southern states resisted this and in one particular state one that 's sprung to prominence in recent times , the State of Arkansas er and its capital Little Rock , the then state governor , who was n't then Bill Clinton but a man called Orville Forbus defied the supreme court 's order and on a historic day in nineteen fifty four a little troupe of black children trooped up to the local high school and were met by armed , armed police and turned away .
11 , and I flew to Agra in the evening , and were met by the British Council driver .
12 The band you thought had no personality and were locked into a strait-jacketed genre have just made an album packed with more character and idiosyncrasies than practically any other released in 1992 .
13 Tablets were provided by Merck , Sharp , and Dohme and were kept with the randomisation schedule in the hospital pharmacy .
14 These were set in motion once fighting began and were kept in effect despite falls in prices .
15 Many lived in squalor and poverty , went short of food when times were hard and were kept from starvation only by the meagre income they gained from non-farming pursuits , whether sidework or the labour of family members working further afield on a temporary or permanent basis .
16 Returned to office in 1957 and 1961 , he and his party came under severe UK and US pressure and were defeated in the 1964 elections ( the last before independence in 1966 ; see pp. 19841 ; 21428 ) .
17 Usually , they had a single mast stepped amidships and were rigged with a single square sail .
18 When the bell stopped , we all went into lines according to our classes , outside our appropriate entrance , and were marched into our classrooms .
19 Mixtures of thymocytes and stromal cells rapidly reform ( within 12 hours ) into intact thymus lobes and were analysed for T-cell development in terms of lymphoid content and TCR , CD4 and CD8 expression after 9 days in culture ( Fig.2 ) .
20 Portions of the supernatants were evaporated in a vacuum oven at 40°C , dissolved in 0.05 mol/l sodium acetate buffer ( pH 6.2 ) , and were analysed for cyclic AMP by using an acetylated [ 1 2 5 I ] radioimmunoassay procedure ( New England Nuclear kit ) .
21 Data obtained from each experiment approximated to a normal distribution and were analysed with Student 's t test for paired data .
22 Four biopsy specimens of the antrum and four of the gastric body were taken and were analysed by urease test , microscopy of a methyleblue stained mucosal smear , specific culture , and histology after modified Giemsa staining as described elsewhere .
23 These factors were : ( 1 ) its organisation which acquired the films and the exclusive overseas rights therein was in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) its sales organisation was in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the representatives who were sent abroad were part of the Hong Kong sales organisation ; ( 4 ) the sub-licences were drawn up in Hong Kong , according to Hong Kong law , and were dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 5 ) the films were either delivered in or dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 6 ) the films at the expiry of the sub-licence period had to be returned to Hong Kong or were destroyed ; and ( 7 ) payments for the grant of the sub-licences were received in Hong Kong .
24 Birth weights had been recorded in pounds ( 2.2 lb=1 kg ) and were converted to the nearest gram .
25 The Croats first settled in their present homeland in the seventh century and were converted to Christianity in the first half of the ninth century , shortly after they accepted the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Emperor , Charlemagne , in 803 .
26 Despite their initial ferocity the victorious Agaw were eventually assimilated into the civilization they had sought to destroy , and were converted to Christianity .
27 Since the new recruits in the hive had not been tampered with and were stimulated by the light , they misinterpreted the dance of the returning foragers .
28 We ran Borneo 's uncharted rapids in Dyak canoes , dived with sharks in the rip-currents of Komodo , and were sluiced off Javanese roads in monsoon flash-floods .
29 The idea was certainly sensible as the club gained valuable experience , finished bottom , and were relegated to Division One .
30 She sent the first correct solution selected and knew that the teams this century who appeared in FA Cup finals and were relegated in the same season were Brighton ( 1983 ) , Leicester ( 1969 ) , Manchester City ( 1926 ) and Chelsea ( 1915 )
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