Example sentences of "and [vb infin] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She always accompanied her unpackings by such comments , always with the same indignant implication that the grocers did their best to defraud and anger her with every item .
2 I suppose they might try and sellotape her to the walls of their cells .
3 I have to go and catch her on a really bad day .
4 I know but I was gon na try and catch her on her dinner or something .
5 I asked the police to ring her father and ask him to come and collect her from school .
6 Now , though , she was sitting in the dressing-room , not even sure if she could persuade her legs to stand up and carry her to the stage .
7 Then , John said , he would know that she had been arrested because she had forgotten her pass , which all blacks had to carry , and would automatically telephone his father to go and fetch her from prison .
8 Everyone in the playground was staring at her , and any minute now Miss Hardbroom ( Mildred 's terrifying form-mistress from the previous year ) was bound to appear and accuse her of upsetting a poor new girl .
9 Then Gillian blabbed to Stuart that I wanted to come and watch her at work .
10 She mentioned the blood-groups , wants me to go and see her on Friday .
11 I 'm gon na go and see her on she does n't know , but I 'll call in and see her on Thursday .
12 Well what do I go and see her on a Sunday for ?
13 Tonight it seemed to me that Mrs Browning had still not recovered from her fear , and I suggested that I should perhaps stay and see her into bed .
14 Kit thought that she would go and see her in that convent .
15 ‘ I just happened to wake up and see her in the courtyard .
16 Yes and the kids can drop round and see her from time to time .
17 She wants me to go and see her after work tomorrow . ’
18 She would n't humiliate herself by seeming to be drawn to a man who had appeared to dislike and distrust her on sight .
19 A worthy father should pass the tests of strength and endurance , and so she rewards the efforts of those who are still fit enough to subdue and defend her at the end of the arduous rut .
20 He treated her as if he would love and defend her under any circumstances .
21 Dorothy would leave and abandon her at the very idea .
22 She followed him everywhere , allowing him to bully and browbeat her for all he was worth just as long as he did n't banish her .
23 We pray first for our own country , and ask your blessing on those who lead us ; we pray for Elizabeth our queen , that You will bless and guide her in all her responsibilities in this land and in the Commonwealth ; we pray for the Prime Minister and all his cabinet , that they may have your wisdom in the government of the country ; we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially for areas where there is strife .
24 By the way her mother fiddled with the handle of her wicker basket Constance could tell that she was longing for the bus to come and take her to Chollerton where her beauty and style might stand some chance of being noticed .
25 She had been giddy in the mornings and tired at night ; her breasts felt different , she had been sleeping badly , dreaming dreams , longing all day for Tristram to come and take her in his arms and love her , when instead she had had to be content with no more than a covert glance from him when he came home from Knollys 's yard in the evenings , or a touch of his ankle under the table at supper time .
26 So I have to turn over and take her in my arms .
27 Yet , though she longed to flee from him , to put huge distances between them , there was something drawing her , some mystery in him that seemed to reach out and take her in its clutches .
28 The goats try to guess who the eagle wants to attack and hide her in a circle .
29 She wished he would walk out and leave her on her own .
30 She felt isolated in this comfortable place , but paradoxically , she also wished that these young women , with their bright faces and inane chatter , would go away and leave her in peace .
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