Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 She always accompanied her unpackings by such comments , always with the same indignant implication that the grocers did their best to defraud and anger her with every item .
2 Remember when she used to stand there and madden you with her politeness and that voice of hers .
3 I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake .
4 She recalled his saying , ‘ I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake . ’
5 But they were quite happy to come along and discuss it with the parish council erm and .
6 Although he was still charged with assault , the trial was not for two months , which gave her time to wait and discuss it with Charles once he was completely recovered .
7 So , I 'd an appointment in town at the hairdressers and for a legwax and that you do n't want to let yourself go I do n't want him to get back and catch me with my knickers down and my nail varnish all chipped …
8 ‘ So he can stay and assist me with my enquiries . ’
9 But you see , the Reverend has a distant relative whom he means to put in my place and so I was granted sick leave over the holiday in order that his dear Jonathan could come and assist him with the Christmas services .
10 At this point some vainglorious politician would step forward and present him with a book such as this one .
11 You had to book to get your hair cut , your toenails cut and your fingernails cut , and a screw had to stand and watch you with the scissors .
12 ‘ No matter , it will serve as a useful antidote to what they will try and inculcate you with at school , that 's its chief virtue .
13 Get to the point , tell people what they need to know and do it with as much style , clarity and substance as possible .
14 and we could maybe find someone else to go off and do it with
15 Sandra you got time to sit , sit and do it with him , like I tried to do with Simon or
16 If you were to come yourself Lily or the child 's Father I could not stand in your way whatever my feelings which are strong , but to hand over my Precious little one to a Young and Foreign girl who spoke his only language poorly that I could not do and send him with her on a dangerous voyage most frightening to him .
17 and then they always say when can we come and see you with your husband ?
18 And er course summer holidays we always used to go and spend them with granny and granddad .
19 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
20 Most officers will be happy to help and provide you with the necessary information .
21 You could go back and confront him with the photo now .
22 Go on , try to twist and buckle it with your bare hands .
23 Sturt was about to proceed upon a new expedition into the interior of Australia I beg to send for your perusal a Letter I have lately received from him and from which you will perceive that he has written to Lord Stanley ; as I know no one better fitted for such a purpose than this enterprising and persevering Gentleman I do hope the Government may be disposed to second his views ; perhaps , your Lordship , could obtain and favour me with some information on the subject ; from the manner in which you referred to him in your Letter I am led to believe that some arrangement has already been made ; pray say if such be the case .
24 ‘ But … but why did n't she come and take me with her ?
25 They might run off and take it with them .
26 Any of my old school friends in Wallingford that know me er well they 'll just never believe that I can run 26 miles because I do n't know if when you were at school , but when er when we used to have a cross-country run I was the one at the back and usually the P E instructor used to go round and whack us with a slipper , you know the slow ones and I was unfortunately one of those , but er now I 've been running with the Bicester Road Runners for what 2 years , er half , I 've done a few half marathons , nothing anywhere near 26 miles , I 've , my furthest run until yesterday was 16 miles , and yesterday , injured , with a bandage round my knee , I managed 18 miles , and I 'm pleased to say it 's still holding out and I 'm quietly confident that I 'm going to complete this , and like I say , if I can er well , just get the local businesses in Bicester interested and to support me , I say however small , just a , you know , if they , a penny a mile from just a few of the businesses in Bicester and , well , the Bible school could have , you know , a few pounds coming to them , which I 'm sure they 'd be , you know , greatly received .
27 Hopeless to try and impress you with my slender collection of classical music .
28 ‘ I 'll come out and 'ave it with you , shall I ? ’
29 And could I come and 'ave it with you at the table ? ’
30 The new editor shares with the retiring one a proper reverence for the game , balanced by an ability to stand back and view it with a perspective born of experience of other important things in life .
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