Example sentences of "and [to-vb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Men often ‘ raise questions , and multiply disputes , which never coming to any clear resolution , are proper only to continue and increase their doubts , and to confirm them at last in perfect scepticism ’ .
2 These groups are known by a variety of names , but the central idea is to bring together a small number of people who have certain interests or characteristics in common and to interview them as a group .
3 The effect of that test would be to pick out those reckless killings which occurred when D had already manifested substantial moral and legal culpability , and to classify them as murder .
4 Because to see someone is to see them as a human being and to see them as a human being is to acknowledge them as such .
5 to deal with entries entailing exemption from part of the Course on behalf of the Polytechnic Dispensations Committee , to set appropriate conditions for such entries and to report them to the Dispensations Committee ; and
6 Clinton ordered agencies with facilities that release toxic pollutants , including military bases and research laboratories , to develop a plan to reduce their output by half by 1999 , and to report them to the public as private companies are now required to do .
7 An intelligence , guided by a purpose , must be continually in action to bias the direction of the steps of change — to regulate their amount — to limit their divergence — and to continue them in a definite course …
8 As parents , teachers , and librarians , we wish to encourage young people and to support them in their search for understanding , expression , and confidence .
9 It would need to delegate attention to this task to one or more of its members and to support them in it .
10 We saw the goal of feminist socialists as raising the status of women and to include them in the share-out .
11 ‘ Local authorities will be encouraged to employ specialist archaeological officers , to develop archaeological policies and to include them in local and district plans .
12 However it is a very difficult and time-consuming operation to read through the evaluations and to compare them to the original project document .
13 This research aims to assess UK policies for technical innovation in this broad context and to compare them with similar policies in other countries .
14 Its aims are to examine the scale and operation of the informal risk capital market in the UK , to assess its contribution to closing the ‘ equity gap ’ , and to identify the characteristics of business angels in the UK and to compare them with their counterparts in North America .
15 The aim of the research is to document new developments in the organisation of farming in Estonia and to compare them with modern arrangements in Finland .
16 A broader academic aim is to relate the effects identified to other processes of retail change and to compare them with the impact of other major developments .
17 Well , of course , it did not take very long for people to realize that if someone wanted to sell his company and retire to the country with the proceeds , these provisions could be used to postpone payment of capital gains tax almost indefinitely so long as he was prepared to continue to hold the shares issued to him and to treat them as an investment .
18 I would ask you to point out this dramatic increase to the people of your parish and to thank them on my behalf for their generous efforts .
19 I 'd like if I may , to take this opportunity of paying tribute to the er helpful , cooperative attitude that the auditing practices board displayed in what were often long and very complex discussions and to thank them for the clear and helpful statement with which they shortly er plan to issue er to er accompany these order and to bring them into practical effect .
20 The PCC has the power to remove practitioners found guilty of misconduct from the Register , and to restore them within the terms of the empowering Act .
21 The aim has been to produce pictorial representations of a complete set of valence molecular orbitals for as many molecules as possible and to relate them to what is observed in the experimental world .
22 The purpose of this chapter is to examine some possible answers to these questions and to relate them to the clinical situation .
23 The task of sociology is to develop tools and modes of understanding these different patterns and responses and to relate them to the broad strands of historical change .
24 We may need to devote more attention to helping the teacher discern their effects and to relate them to the intentions .
25 This project aims to map the movements of individuals between employment , unemployment and economic inactivity over the decade 1979-1989 , to identify significant trends , and to relate them to wider economic factors and policy developments .
26 The pharmacist could be informed of the risk and would be well placed to help the prescribers achieve their therapeutic objectives ( for example , by offering compliance aids , visiting the home , or checking usage of the product ) and to inform them of any problems .
27 " We hope to be able to communicate with all our people and to inform them of what we have decided . "
28 This topic is meant to improve pupils ' awareness of ‘ danger ’ areas in houses and to inform them of basic safety measures and precautions which should be taken at home .
29 I went on tour frequently from Simla to most of the main cities of India , speaking to Indian audiences and getting together groups of refugees from Burma to give them the latest news and to encourage them with hopes of victory and return .
30 What is more , we have sought to identify areas of disability that in the past have not had the attention that they deserve , and to meet them with the new benefits .
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