Example sentences of "and [subord] [pron] first " in BNC.

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1 They travelled to Mundemba , 230 kms west of the airport at Doula , where the WWF Park HQ is situated and where their first task awaited them .
2 But for a moment , between the door of the cage and where I first took stance , I could feel the greatness of the sky , it was on my wings .
3 In order to do this , we classify the adverts into types " aimed at women " and " aimed at men " ( we could instead have classified them as " television " versus " magazine " or " Italian " versus " British " , etc. ; and if our first attempt to classify gets us nowhere we might try one or more of these alternatives at a later stage ) .
4 She is Clara Hale , known mostly just as Mother Hale , and since she first laid a row of cots across the living room of her flat on 122nd Street in Harlem in 1943 , she has become the Mother Teresa of New York 's black slums .
5 But she also sensed how deep Hugo 's hurt ran and since his first wife 's death was also connected with the man she told herself it would be tasteless to dwell on it .
6 As many audiences and record collectors already know , he took lessons in conducting so that he might perform the work himself , and since his first concert in New York 's Lincoln Center , he has been invited to perform it with 20 orchestras around the world ( he will be conducting the Philharmonia Orchestra at the Royal Festival Hall , London in November ) .
7 Their house was the tallest on Thrush Green , and when we first meet the good doctor , in the book of that name , he is an elderly man contemplating retirement .
8 Now he can see a little , and when our first child was born and put into his arms , he was able to see that the boy had inherited his fine large black eyes .
9 And when I first got an inkling the little was far worse than none , and I became melancholy and miserable .
10 Where and when I first heard the names ‘ Rhine ’ or ‘ Danube ’ I can not now remember .
11 The problem is , they 've got this parametric EQ and when I first toured with it my guitar roadie could n't figure what was wrong , because it was cutting out and crackling .
12 Unfortunately it is a very barren group , and when I first went to the southern hemisphere I had difficulty in identifying the pole star , Sigma Octantis , which is only of magnitude 5.5 , and is none too easy to see with the naked eye unless the sky is really dark and clear .
13 I 'd been living away and when I first come back into the area a few of me friends was into it .
14 I was I was so angry and and I see him a out and about and when I first saw him about I could have I could have run him down .
15 And I 've been a few years on the Council now and when I first went on the Council I was going to move mountains and make oh big Taj Mahals everywhere , but when you get on these things you have a rude awakening , it does n't work out that way and it works out exactly the same in this erm .
16 And when I first went to the business , they did n't have fruit like they have now , everyday you know .
17 and when I first moved up there I thought oh yeah , what 's happening , yeah .
18 ‘ But he 's unusually shy and when he first arrived from Millwall he felt his price tag was a burden .
19 Adam had only heard one other make these sounds and when he first heard Anne make them his memory escape failed and those two nights were startlingly evoked , so disturbingly in fact that he had the terrible delusion that Anne was doing it to mock him .
20 Sam was so relieved at the news that mother and child were well that the fact that he had n't won the wager was nothing to him , and when he first laid eyes on the baby all he could do was kneel down and weep for joy .
21 There is also a contrast between the forge and Satis House as the house is barricaded and the inside is all dark so Pip has to be led by candlelight to Miss Havisham and when he first sees her all in white she looks like a fairy godmother but as he looks closer he sees her decay and yellowness .
22 Oh his very calm , very calm , and I 'm still going to work , I did n't go to work while , I went too work while he was in hospital , and when he first came out .
23 Denis Cannan 's Dear Daddy ( 1976 ) , again , another successful stage comedy , tells of a virtuous middle-aged family man whose life is triumphantly self-organised down to its last petty details — exactly one-third of a bottle of wine at dinner every evening — until the comfortable domestic order he has created in his second marriage turns into an object of irrational despair to those around him ; and when his first wife , ruined by alcohol , abruptly re-enters his world , he is forced to accept a share of deferred responsibility for the wreckage of her life .
24 In June 1962 the NCCL had adopted a resolution from the Connolly Association calling for an inquiry into civil liberties in Northern Ireland ; the NICCL seems to have been set up in response and as its first action , in July , it held a meeting to prepare a memorandum on civil rights to present to Mr Justice Bose of the International Commission of jurists , who was visiting Belfast .
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