Example sentences of "and [v-ing] between the " in BNC.

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1 The easier alternative for video is to record the scene as a two-shot ( page 73 ) , the static nature of which can be relieved by discreetly zooming in and panning between the two speakers from time to time and then zooming back to the two-shot .
2 So but er the overseas fellow , You know I 'll consider just on the same level , and ofte Well I never saw any er what you 'd call bickering and biding between the black and the white student .
3 Our first technology course team meeting was held in August 1992 to work out the logistics of travel and timetabling between the college and the schools .
4 It might not be as exotic as Rio , but a day spent bobbing and weaving between the marching bands and floats — and pubs — should acquaint you with the Dublin spirit .
5 On the wall they watched as Tig circled the village again , running and weaving between the torches , his body like red-veined porcelain , almost translucent , almost fragile .
6 Thus , writing C for the capacitance of C 1 in parallel with C 2 and eliminating between the two equations or where , and In terms of partial fractions it is convenient to express the Laplace transform of I 2 as so that taking the inverse Laplace transformation where Note that and are both positive and real since and The latter result follows because From equation ( 11.51 ) the time dependence of the output voltage is given by But when assuming capacitor C 2 is uncharged initially .
7 Bonington said he also hoped to see closer co-operation and understanding between the national park authorities and the farmers , tourist operators and everyone else who lives and works in the parks .
8 Eisenhower reiterated this theme from 15–18 May at the much-vaunted Paris Conference , which had originally been intended to further cooperation and understanding between the USSR and the United States , France and the United Kingdom .
9 There may follow a lack of communication and understanding between the computer professionals , the legal advisers , the ultimate users and the supplier of the software resulting in the purchase of a system which is cumbersome , does not provide all the information the users now realize they would have liked and which runs far too slowly to be of any practical use .
10 This is the Celtic family I have always longed for , complete with live fires , family feuds , squirming freckle-nosed children a-playing in the next room , suggestive sighing and eyeing between the sisters , the indisputable unity created by the sick mother/grandmother in hospital , the indisputable union of songs you always know whether you want to remember them or not .
11 The darkness ahead was flickering , shapes of trees appeared and vanished , cheering surged like surf — here was their other army — James and the Duke were standing on a rock conducting the dancers , who were reeling in eights , linking and whirling between the bonfires .
12 In the street , when greeting each other as friends or family , there is much handshaking and backslapping between the men and kissing on both cheeks between women , and between men and women .
13 The more the men whistled , the more ribald their remarks , the faster she walked ; but the faster she walked , the more of a sexual object , or sexual quarry , she became , twisting and turning between the rows of benches ( for she soon lost her bearings ) , stumbling over piles of metal parts , skidding on the oily floor , her cheeks as red as her hair , the wings of her nostrils white , her eyes fixed steadfastly ahead , refusing to meet the gaze of her tormentors. ‘ 'Allo , darlin' , lookin' for me ?
14 Even when there was not a conflict of jurisdiction , there would often be much coming and going between the courts to ensure that the various aspects of a complex case were handled in unison ( see pp. 414 f . ) .
15 Another ring has been discovered , tenuous , and lying between the orbits of Amalthea and Io .
16 Another basis on which close relationships commonly developed was a pattern of visiting which included the exchange of help and caring between the generations .
17 What they do say is that the close coupling and phasing between the coprocessor and main processor makes a dramatic difference to coprocessor intensive applications , such as CAD , and will make a substantial difference to other coprocessor applications .
18 Thus , about beliefs and values in science education , Michael Poole writes : In science education and in other areas of the curriculum more help needs to be given to students to enable them to discern where beliefs and values are located , how to spot where they follow from the subject matter or were imported at the beginning , what are the available options among them and what are appropriate criteria for testing their truth-claims and adjudicating between the ones on offer .
19 The Nile appeared quite suddenly at the end of a street , blue and shining between the tall houses .
20 The issue of measurement and control presupposes a clear differentiation and distancing between the controller and the object of control .
21 In the end , after much to-ing and fro-ing between the labour and liberal democrat camps , a deal was struck .
22 For economy of space occupied by the site of the lift the two inclined ways would generally be side by side and although at the same inclination and extending between the same levels they would not be in the same plane but echeloned so that the one extends , so to speak , from the right side of the head bay to the right side of the tail bay whilst the other extends from the left side of the head bay to the left side of the tail bay .
23 Sonny 's guitar style — taking in everything from evocative Dobro through to sizzling lead , with a neat line in unlikely techniques like harmonics from nowhere and playing between the slide and the nut — has been perfectly showcased on his three solo albums to date , ‘ Blues Attack ’ , ‘ Way Down In Louisiana ’ and ‘ Outward Bound ’ ( the latter is highly recommended and is available in the UK on Zoo Records , through BMG ) .
24 The liquid picture is pierced by petrified trees and paddling between the towering , upturned roots and the column-like trunks is as haunting as a visit to a sunken city .
25 It is integrated with the NT environment , and enables users to access Unix applications ‘ as easily as Windows applications ’ , running both programs and cutting and pasting between the environments .
26 Irons I 've used before have also offered this facility , but I 've always found I 've ended up toing and froing between the tap once too often .
27 Rather they rely not only to some extent upon judgement and intuition about the future , but also upon personal negotiations and bargaining between the executives , who may be competing with each other for scarce resources and may each be supporting their case with OR and economic models .
28 Nine hundred years they were enchanted thus , outcast and fleeing between the land , the sea and the sky ; but at last they found rest .
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