Example sentences of "and [v-ing] from the " in BNC.

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1 There are African masks and Polynesian sculptures bought at Sotheby 's ; goats ' skulls slung over doors ; and hanging from the walls are his own canvases — massive primitive paintings that he says are fertility symbols of women .
2 Driving through the market place I thought again that Darrowby on Christmas Day was like Dickens come to life ; the empty square with the snow thick on the cobbles and hanging from the eaves of the fretted lines of roofs ; the shops closed and the coloured lights of the Christmas trees winking at the windows of the clustering houses , warmly inviting against the cold white bulk of the fells behind .
3 Greenery was everywhere , in bowls and screens and hanging from the open balustrades , giving the teahouse the look of an overgrown garden .
4 They acknowledge that elephants and man , for instance , have a very close relationship , having climbed the evolutionary ladder side by side , losing hair together , returning to and re-emerging from the sea again , growing warm blood , emotion and long memories .
5 Power is seen as residing in office , and stemming from the bureaucrat 's high social prestige and wide discretion to act within very broadly defined colonial policies .
6 While I sulked in the tent , nursing my wounds and recovering from the thorough sandbagging , Mick was hatching a plan .
7 Kit ordered Ariel brought , so that the islanders could see she was as well as could be expected , and recovering from the wound to her thigh .
8 The economists did n't get to this position by hanging back and wingeing from the sidelines .
9 In sharp contrast , Art of the Persian Courts : Selections from the Art and History Trust Collection by Abodala Soudavar gives a survey of Iranian and Persian manuscript painting , calligraphy and drawing from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries ( £55 ) .
10 And , despite some exciting running and handling from the visitors in the closing quarter , Hull never lost the lead .
11 It has been suggested that the wild man , or wood-wose , who appears so often in medieval literature , is a conventional figure typifying madness and deriving from the mad king Nebuchadnezzar , who was ‘ driven away from among men , and did eat grass like an ox , and his body was wet with the dew of heaven ; till his hairs grew like the feathers of eagles , and his nails like birds claws . ’
12 The result of these complex influences was a family model that carried heavily ideological concepts of what the distribution of power should be in the family and how sexuality should be expressed , interpreting , in particular , female sexuality as secondary , and deriving from the maternal instinct , and severely regulating childhood sexuality .
13 Other developments , more modest in their expectations and deriving from the particular perception this or that group might have of the way in which Owen 's new view could be related to its own grievance or apprehension or aspiration , proceeded in parallel , propagated largely by the rapidly growing radical press which included a number of journals advocating Owenite ideas .
14 Boz 's defiant statement was greeted with applause and cheering from the gipsies .
15 Then spring again , and with the greening of the land the creature gave birth to birds before waiting in the deepest thicket for the call of the Men who were hunting and gathering from the forest .
16 Over the last few months I 've read with some considerable interest and humour all the back-biting and jibing from the Pittman and Peavey camps .
17 Moreover , the car is hideously noisy with the hood up , and it has the effect of filtering out some of the nice engine sounds and replacing them with rattles from the differential , whines from the gearbox and banging from the suspension .
18 The twelfth abbot , according to the guidebook , was the subject of complaints to the Pope , that he had treated his flock , ‘ not like a gentle shepherd , but like a ravening wolf , harrying it ‘ with the stings of affliction , and the bites of persecution ’ , bestowing its property upon his kinsfolk and driving from the monastery those who dared to oppose him' .
19 Everyone else 's mother came in neat and respectful skirts , and were accompanied by neat and respectful fathers who sought wisdom and understanding from the teachers .
20 There are areas of particular importance which require extra knowledge and understanding from the start .
21 Henry picked up another set of handles and in a moment Prince Charming was walking towards Cinderella and bowing from the waist .
22 Until 1973 , most of the rock used by Kay & Company came from Ailsa Craig but escalating costs of quarrying on and transporting from the isle , coinciding with the retiral of the family who did the quarrying , brought production to a halt .
23 A thin , stoop-shouldered Frenchman wearing a pince-nez who had been watching and listening from the curbside , stepped into the road suddenly and leaned close enough to Chuck for the American boy to smell the garlic on his breath .
24 Child care research should help practitioners distinguish what is grave and enduring from the less serious and transient .
25 A clay model from Arkhanes , and dating from the very end of the Minoan civilization , shows the sort of modest shrine that may have been erected in a sacred enclosure : an oval hut with a conical roof , entrance doors and a cult idol inside .
26 Definitely an acquired taste was a clunky Spanish colonial gilt-metal mounted mother-of-pearl , tortoiseshell , pewter , ebonised and parcel-gilt cabinet made for a viceroy of Peru , and dating from the second half of the seventeenth century .
27 This cobbled route is still a joy to follow ; the top half of it , as it curves down to the church and the river , lined with sober houses built from the local cocoa-coloured stone and dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — datable precisely in some cases from the inscribed lintel stones ; then the church , seventeenth-century and disappointingly dull ; the old bridge over the Nive , which is the place to look up — and downstream , at the houses built along the banks with their projecting wooden galleries ; and then on towards the Porte d'Espagne , past the shops and more very decent old houses .
28 The compatibility between poetry and writing from the heart is not automatic but at best conventional .
29 ‘ It sprang from the tightness of his jeans , leaping and rearing from the shorts that draped it .
30 Plate tectonics appears to be the device , unexplained in Wegener 's day , that permits the continents to drift : it is a process whereby the rigid , relatively cool plates that cover the earth 's hot and partially plastic asthenosphere , forty miles down , shift slowly about , colliding and separating from the other plates by turn .
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