Example sentences of "and [v-ing] on the " in BNC.

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1 The Society is indebted to Ralph and Mrs Edwards , Mr and Mrs Vic Smith , Dr Grey , Mrs C. Evans , Mrs Newcombe , Mrs Wallace , Ron and Carol Mardle and members of the Lucas and Nottingham families , both for providing the food and helping on the day .
2 Katia is the more physically exuberant and mobile , darting and pouncing on the keyboard , while Marielle is all elegance and concentration .
3 The study will also assess whether such rational management systems are presentational devices , as some critics claim , by assessing the extent to which management work and policing on the ground are directed at and by the rational management system .
4 V. P. Singh had also written a letter to Lal acknowledging his services to the government and party and suggesting on the issue of Chauthala 's future that the " best course " would be to discuss the matter within Janata Dal .
5 For their part artists were experimenting and drawing on the insights provided by the colour theorists .
6 But yesterday McLean said it was Burgess who had been kicking and stamping on the victim .
7 The peasants had little notion of belonging to any wider grouping than their own volost' , like Nikol'skaia , or even sometimes , and depending on the subject , than their own village .
8 Therefore the few staff sit up late at night to prepare lectures on a few things they know about and a lot of things they know not much about , and spend their time keeping one page ahead of the class and depending on the textbook .
9 After departure of the 1620 to Sheffield , and depending on the good will of the driver , we managed to achieve many foot plate rides down to Wharf Lane and back as the train had to reverse into the down bay .
10 Numerous natural and artificial substances are capable of causing platelet aggregation ( Table 5.1 ) , and depending on the nature of the aggregation agent and its concentration , aggregation may be reversible or irreversible and have one or two phases .
11 As soon as possible , he was on his own again , moving from place to place , sleeping rough in barns , in caves , or in the open , and depending on the support and generosity of the common people for succour and sustenance , repaying them with prayer and preaching .
12 The present system of paying weekly through sticking stamps on NI cards would be abolished , and depending on the results of consultation , which will continue until the end of the year , the Agency is hopeful that payment via banks , certain building societies , the Post Office and Girobank will be possible .
13 For all of us there will be the faith challenge of living on a much reduced income and depending on the Lord 's provision for at least part of our day to day needs .
14 There are disadvantages in using too long a list , in that more of the candidate strings will be allowable , and depending on the MRD that the list is taken from , can contain rare words that most native speakers would not recognise as ‘ real ’ words .
15 Depending on their flair and the quality of their training they will need differing degrees of support , and depending on the school and the LEA they will either get it or not .
16 Also , often as not and depending on the turnover rate , air operated filters are just as efficient .
17 In their own way , and depending on the stresses within the group , the members will almost intuitively sort out a set of relationships which will provide both behaviour patterns and thereby establish a balance of power .
18 It is best to make these shelves as close together as possible — say , around 10″ , and depending on the depth of shelf and what 's stored on it .
19 From experience , and depending on the species selected , it has been found that with these numbers of large cichlids all present in the same tank , there is not the space for any of them to be able to establish a permanent territory and fight off all invaders .
20 Each specialized trade was like an organ within an animal 's body , providing a function that benefited the whole and depending on the continued existence of the whole for its own survival .
21 I would just tell him this that er there is a problem here which my Right Honourable Friend is addressing and depending on the outcome of those consultations and discussions , will obviously depend the action which we will have to take .
22 David Langham , lands and planning manager for Kelt , said the data collected by the ship would be analysed and depending on the findings a drilling rig could be brought in .
23 And depending on the area we 'll give a photocopy of the map and Derek will fetch 'em in , Derek can take them down .
24 erm but obviously we do cover the parts that are listed on pages two and three of all of our booklets , and depending on the premium that 's paid depends on the coverage issues .
25 Popular recreation was more ‘ rational ’ in a bureaucratic sense and it was more respectable than before , but its pleasures remained deeply traditional : drinking and betting , chaffing your mates and cheering on the standard-bearers of your real or adopted territory .
26 of her , he could see Martin standing with his arms folded and resting on the mantelshelf .
27 The trend towards a more nationalistic variety of communism , independent of Moscow and resting on the approach of mass mobilisation advocated by Mao , inspired those Korean communists who felt that this approach could prove valuable for their own party in the future .
28 Briefly , these factors are : the total population of the area and the number of registered library members ; trends in book publishing — i.e. the number of new books published per annum , broken down by subjects ; the length of life of stock on the open shelves ( depreciation rate ) ; the risen costs of books and binding on the previous year 's fund ; and the range and condition of the existing stock .
29 12.1 In the event of any dispute or difference arising between any of the Parties concerning this Agreement or the construction or performance thereof , such dispute or difference shall in the first instance be referred to the Project Manager whose decision shall be final and binding on the Parties unless with 14 days after such decision any one of the Parties shall have notified the others of his dissatisfaction with such decision .
30 There is very considerable force in the submission that once a refusal to treatment is expressed and held to be valid and binding on the hospital , as I have found , then that consent or that refusal should continue to prevail and dictate the outcome of this case .
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