Example sentences of "and [v-ing] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Begin by stitching the longer length on the left hand side , bringing it under Teddy 's chin and tucking the shorter length under it as it crosses his shoulder .
2 On the speakers , Kim Carnes was feeling it in the air and praising the Universal Song .
3 The Duke had a passion for practical jokes-wetting people with hoses and putting itching powder in their beds — and he was a devoted animal lover , always surrounded by dogs and preferring the ugliest because no-one else would be kind to it .
4 ‘ You are what you eat ’ is a favourite maxim , and eating the right things is important in order to be healthy at every stage of life .
5 Keeping weight down , getting exercise and eating the right foods are important to beauty as well as health .
6 With regular brisk walking , and eating the right kinds of food , we should be fit and healthy without having to resort to extreme , fanatical exercise routines or slimming diets .
7 The sad fact is that although the ostensible reason for the dolphin kills was that dolphins were stealing and eating the commercial fish species , examination of their stomach contents showed that only the false killer whales were actually feeding on yellowtail .
8 However , government austerity policies and plans to reform the previously restricted economy by privatizing state monopolies and encouraging the private sector and international investment were bitterly criticized by organized labour , disaffected FLN traditionalists and opposition parties [ ibid . ] .
9 A study of the GEC bid to takeover Plessey outlines clearly the conflict that can exist between maintaining competition in the domestic market and restructuring an industry to enable it to compete with foreign competition , by allowing rationalisation to occur and encouraging the combined group to exploit economies of scale .
10 As the manual tells you , by holding certain stitches in holding ( E ) position and knitting the remaining stitches in sequence you can work shoulder shaping , neck shaping , sock heels and toes and even a shaped hemline on skirts , while most attractive full skirts can be made on the same principle .
11 The harshly defeated Catholic crusader , without high rank and honour-less , had nothing before him except scrabbling for cash with his pen , an unhappy family life , and coating the intransigent permanence of his adolescence in premature and cranky old-bufferism .
12 Indeed , had it not been for the blazing row with Mama she would still be living with her parents , seeing Charlie twice a week and helping the wounded airmen get back their confidence .
13 While stressing that economic growth and helping the poor were not contradictory objectives , the report recognized that its strategy could entail " a trade-off , especially in the short run , between the interests of the poor and the non-poor " .
14 The BCS does lots of other good things , like sitting on 31 standards committees , working with 15 European computer societies to harmonise professional qualifications for the single market , accrediting computer science courses to make them less theoretical and more oriented towards projects , maintaining a register of expert witnesses , setting up ad hoc specialist groups very quickly on new areas like expert systems , natural language translation and parallel processing , and helping the disabled .
15 As yesterday 's solidly-argued report to the Scottish Office by a Glasgow University team demonstrates , procedures in social work and housing departments for identifying , assessing and helping the young homeless were drawn up when the problem was much smaller than it is now .
16 Set up in I 978 with the twin missions of keeping Israeli troops out of southern Lebanon and helping the Lebanese government to control the Palestinians there , it was never given the strength to do either .
17 Resist the temptation to offer your ideas , instead continue to probe , dropping clues and helping the subordinate to see new ways forward .
18 Others , like Tim Robinson and Derek Randall , have their own businesses so that leaves us to fix up about 10 or a dozen with work at Trent Bridge , coaching and helping the commercial department as well as working on their game .
19 Matey might not work so hard as McAllister did , or perform such menial tasks , like scrubbing the kitchen floor and whitening the front doorstep — which was next on McAllister 's list of duties — but she did her share and was never idle , even in her spare time — hence her membership of the ladies ' sewing circle and her encouragement of her housemaid , McAllister , to accompany her to it .
20 The doves gave up strutting and whitening the old ping-pong table and set off , flapping busily towards the purple hillside .
21 He soared higher to lure them up and then folding his wings back stooped down towards them , gaining speed with each second and transfixing the weakest-looking one with his stare .
22 The emphasis of the book from now on is of a pragmatic nature , but I hope it is a sanctified pragmatism applied to operating within and shaping the contemporary manifestations of the Church of Christ .
23 The long-term problem for this species is the creeping infiltration of marginal agriculture taking over and fragmenting the remaining suitable habitat for this species .
24 This kind of map analysis used to be done manually ( before the advent of practical GIS ) by overlaying transparent map sheets , establishing the required spatial relationships and drawing the new map on a clean top sheet with felt pens ( McHarg 1969 ) .
25 Once the question for the court becomes one of making its own assessment of the evidence , making findings of fact on all the relevant evidence placed before it and drawing the appropriate legal conclusion , and is no longer a question of simply reflecting government policy , letters from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office become merely part of the evidence in the case .
26 We were also impressed with the raising of teachers ' awareness through visits to library suppliers and book exhibitions and the replacement of " buying blind " through catalogues with a system of actually browsing and handling the available alternatives before making a choice .
27 Here we have operating in the same geographical area , in the same economic environment and manufacturing the same product , on the one hand enterprises organised as industrial co-operatives and on the other as conventional firms .
28 For all his earlier squeamishness , Bloxham had done well , returning Dowd 's guts into the bowel of the carcass , and mummifying the whole sorry slab in plastic and tape .
29 Always envisioned by the architects , Peter and Ursula Trint ( Cologne ) and Dieter Quast ( Heidelberg ) , as part of the final plan , the new building completes the museum complex by linking the old and new wings and tripling the existing exhibition space .
30 Bearing in mind that the departments comprised a multitude of functions , and , at this point in the study , no detailed breakdown of these functions was available , two parallel exercises were considered necessary to progress the study , ie one concerned with clarifying roles and information needs , and the second exploring and quantifying the existing information base , as represented by the central and outposted filing systems .
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