Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Affliction succeeds in taking the detailing associated with Raymond Carver-style dirty realism and fusing it with the pace of a detective story .
2 Dr Losberne , of course , was full of immediate plans to rush round London arresting all the gang and hanging them at once .
3 ‘ Have I said something , then ? ’ he asked , taking off his cap and overcoat and hanging them on the door peg .
4 The role of the museum is to present the collection in a fresh way , both showing unfamiliar paintings and hanging them in natural light ’ .
5 ‘ Like some coffee ? ’ said Wilcox , taking her coat and hanging it on the back of the door .
6 There were stacks of old art magazines , a broken easel , the white-painted bough which Elise had brought down at Christmas before trimming and hanging it over the inglenook fireplace .
7 Shaken off balance by her startling thoughts , Isabel glanced away , stepping out of her gown and hanging it over the table .
8 Oriental dragons were not bloodthirsty like the Worms in England , and a pretty story tells us that the beautiful colours of autumn leaves are a result of a nearby dragon yawning and tinging them with his warm breath , before settling down to his winter hibernation .
9 After fulling , the cloth was well rinsed and , now reduced from 35″ to 27″ in width , was taken to the tenter ground to be stretched to shape by fastening hooks in the selvedge and attaching them to the tenter frames .
10 Toolbars are also customizable ; you can construct your own by dragging tools from existing bars and attaching them to your own .
11 This is not , in fact , a problem , since LIFESPAN provides the tools for creating other DCs as the need arises and attaching them to the same package .
12 Preliminary identification of the peptide binding to the SSB oligonucleotide was accomplished by synthesising a 5' biotinolyated SSB oligonucleotide and attaching it to magnetic Dynal beads coated with streptavidin .
13 For three days before the unveiling ceremony , the cadets were on the site collecting stones from the hillside and cementing them into the cairn .
14 Taking her hand warmly in his and tucking it into his pocket , he ordered softly , ‘ Tell me about Elinor Browne with an ‘ E ’ . ’
15 The story ends with the teacher coming over and praising him for this reaction and Little Turtle receiving a very good report card that term .
16 If these words , often carelessly spoken , can have such a long-term and devastating effect , think how much good we can do by encouraging our children and praising them for what they have achieved .
17 It may be extremely hard for your employer to justify a poor grading at assessment time when earlier in the year you received a letter from the chairman specifically thanking and praising you for your efforts .
18 Fellow worker Hazel Goff , who has St John 's Ambulance training , then administered first aid , cutting away Mr Chittenden 's burnt clothing and sponging him with water .
19 The Parish Council have asked me to get an estimate from you for replacing the seat in its original position and concreting it in place .
20 He took her chin between finger and thumb , turning her face and drowning her in the warm amber light of his eyes .
21 It was supposed to shoot back up again , hitting my jutting backside en route and pitching me across the stage , but it did n't .
22 ‘ The native habit of tethering horses and hobbling them in the full glare of a torrid sun ( with a temperature of perhaps 120 degrees F. in the shade ) destroys the strongest constitution and often kills them out-right …
23 Social groups create deviance by making rules whose infraction constitutes deviance and by applying those rules to particular people and labelling them as outsiders .
24 He had got as far as the packaging and labelling them at his premises prior to taking them to the ship .
25 Jim ( no one who knows him calls him Iggy ) being Jim was squatting on the table stuffing everyone else 's venison into his roll and eating it with his fingers .
26 However , he is still obsessed with wood and eating it in the park .
27 Tearing down the temple and re-building it in three days .
28 Social care in a group care setting covers the time spent talking with and listening to people , hearing their stories , nurturing and encouraging them in the effort to make sense of the later stages of life .
29 This would involve identifying those who could satisfy criteria or competence and reliability , and encouraging them by removing some of the administrative restrictions now applying .
30 Over the last few years the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) has been active in consulting with British industry and encouraging it to be competitive in the European market .
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