Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] first " in BNC.

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1 Ninety minutes later they were all back in the saddle and drawing their first covert as if the season had just begun .
2 ‘ Going out there on a new board and catching my first wave when I had n't surfed Pipeline for a year only reaffirms my confidence . ’
3 At this plenum Gorbachev was highly critical of the CPL leadership , declaring its action " illegitimate " and invalid and condemning its first secretary Algirdas Brazauskas for compromising with nationalist and separatist forces .
4 In the cities a nascent proletariat was beginning to flex its muscles , forming short-lived illegal organizations of its own and staging its first major strikes .
5 My problem , as you call it , is that he was 19 and serving his first year in the Light Infantry , in the Bogside of Londonderry , and the weapon that shot him dead was an MI6 high-velocity rifle , product of America , put into the hands of those scum by scum in America protected by American judges . ’
6 They are 60 today and celebrating their first birthday together in more than 30 years .
7 John soon made a niche for himself in Palace 's defence , making his debut at home to Bristol Rovers ( 1–0 ) the day after his signature had been obtained , and scoring his first goal for us in the 8–2 FA Cup demolition of Harwich and Parkstone three weeks later .
8 Nor were matters helped by Violet gaining ten ‘ A's in her O levels , losing a stone and getting her first boyfriend , who rang her constantly at all hours of the night from Beverly Hills .
9 Name the American , a former Wimbledon Champion , new retired from competitive play and expecting her first child , who is one of the company 's longest serving contract players ?
10 ‘ She is 12-years-old now and expecting her first foal .
11 It 's the league or nothing now for the Blues , beaten for the second week running and suffering their first defeat at Windsor Park since last December 16 .
12 ‘ I keep telling myself that it will stand me in good stead when I 'm about 40 and doing my first Isolde ! ’
13 After joining the AIB in July 1955 and doing my first investigation on an Auster that had ditched in the Bristol Channel in August of that year , I was sent out to Tripoli , Libya in September 1955 to assist Penny Garnons-Williams ( known to many in the aviation industry as Garney Bill ) to investigate an accident to a BOAC Argonaut that had crashed at Castel Benito in a sand storm .
14 ‘ We were preparing for what we thought might be our future and so we got back to the people who 'd singled us out , and a guy called Keith Wilson , who was eventually responsible for recording and co-producing our first Fleetwood Mac album , got us down and we put an album out , which kind of came and went .
15 Aline was now off nights , on holiday , and spending her first week with her grandparents in Cornwall before flying to join her parents in Majorca for the two following weeks .
16 The safe shelter he had found on the edge of the village could not have been more comfortable , for all that on awakening and having his first lightsome look it struck him as a mite strange .
17 He started in political life as he meant to go on , sympathising with ‘ Action Francaise ’ and making his first political gesture at the age of 26 as one of the threatening , right-wing mob who were driven back by police gunfire when they tried to storm the Chamber of Deputies in February 1934 .
18 Bob Monkhouse , best known as a comedy writer and actor for television and radio , and playing his first straight acting role in the West End , as Buddy 's elder brother , Alan , spotted Crawford 's comedy potential and invited him to his home , where they spent an evening reading the play .
19 In between comes a short pièce d'occasion by Brahms , written in 1853 as a surprise birthday present for the violinist Joachim , and receiving its first commercial recording .
20 I have been told that on coming to the village to work in the cement factories and receiving his first weeks wages he asked if it was all his as it was more money than he had ever had in one week .
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