Example sentences of "and [vb base] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Turn out dough and knead on a lightly floured surface until firm .
2 Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for a minute before adding the cooked onion , extra oil and chopped olives .
3 Colour the remaining fondant a pale cream colour ( use a tiny amount of diluted yellow food colouring ) and knead in a tiny amount of brown until almost mixed in but still a bit ‘ muddy ’ .
4 ‘ We 've had to chop and change on a regular basis this season , but it could hold us in good stead because when everyone is fit again , we 'll know we have people who can operate well in different positions . ’
5 When the larva is about to shed its skin and change into a pupa ( which it does prior to emerging as a real fly ) , it exudes a sticky fluid .
6 When the fish are well on feed I will put one rod away and change to a butt-indicator which allows me to fish more quickly and efficiently .
7 It was no answer , and it was a complete answer ; Edouard , recognising something of Jean-Paul in the implacability of the reply , hearing in it , too , –hat note of bland stubbornness with which some of his workmen in the Loire would resist argument and change with an age-old peasant resilience , sighed and decided it might be wiser to leave the subject there .
8 But what I 'm wearing now I 'll be wearing in a year or eighteen months , it does n't chop and change like a fashion ; the meaning it has now is the same one it will have in eighteen months ' time .
9 Today I want you to turn that corner and change from a feeling of ‘ I 'm never going to do it ’ to ‘ I will do it ’ .
10 The total student population of 90 000 helps greatly to preserve an element of life and change in a city where one quarter of the population is over 66 .
11 To conduct an in-depth cast study of the National Marriage Guidance Council ( NMGC ) in order to examine the dynamics of survival and change within a voluntary organisation .
12 or if we 're stuck get our heads together and drag in a few extra bodies
13 The April 1 marriage , which creates an operation with a £38 million turnover , will enable the business to access wider markets and develop on a broader front in continental Europe .
14 I need to grow and change and develop as a person in my own terms .
15 We grow and develop as a result of those interactions .
16 One possible explanation for governments ' concern about inflation is that they are fearful that a rising rate may get out of control and develop into a ‘ runaway ’ inflation or hyperinflation .
17 They produce neutral mucin and develop into a new small gland .
18 They emerge and merge , co-operate and co-ordinate for a while , but they have a relatively short active lifetime .
19 D is also for DOC IT the desktop document processor from OKI Print , Fax , Scan and Photocopy from a single desktop peripheral ? — Yes ! with OKI 's DOC IT an all-in-one hardware bundle of Laser Printer , Scanner , Photocopier and Fax .
20 If you can find a Porsche centre able to demonstrate an RS to you , put some time aside and insist on an experienced specialist .
21 Strategies of looking , in turn , break down this process and insist upon an adequate period of delay so that the offerings which emerge are firmly anchored within the work .
22 She had imprisoned her anger and hate in a part of her mind , as something unworthy which could be overcome .
23 It is a relief to me to take up this pen and sit at a table and endeavour to sort out what I feel pressing in upon me and to know that if sense can be made of it you will make it .
24 It is the only tram in service where you have to climb up to your seat and sit at an angle of 20 degrees behind two spacemen in the front compartment !
25 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
26 Go and sit on a mountain . ’
27 THE INSPIRALS move down to the Harbour area and sit on a green patch with the sun beating down like it can rarely do in Oldham .
28 No , I 'm not suggesting you come and sit with a stopwatch , because I think that would distract you .
29 The Greiner administration , which had lost its tiny majority because of Metherell 's earlier decision to leave the Liberal Party and sit as an independent , then recovered its position when the Liberal candidate won the by-election in Metherell 's former seat .
30 Well , there 's a certain romance in floating in a warm swimming pool on a cold winter 's night , looking up at the stars and wondering whether to fling oneself down the rapids or go and sit in a Jacuzzi instead .
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