Example sentences of "and [vb base] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The HLCA system should be reviewed with MAFF and WOAD re-assessing stocking levels in Section 43 areas in consultation with NPAS ( and Local Authorities outside ) to ‘ achieve environmental and agricultural objectives ’ .
2 Look out for products such as Visio , a drop and drag drawing package which utilises job-specific stencils ; WinDesk , a customisable desktop for Windows ; ProtoView , a screen management facility for Windows ; Star Trek the Screensaver , a screensaver program for Star Trek fanatics ; Office Accelerator , a program to run your office from within your favourite word-processor ; Color Tools , a multimedia graphics solution ; Labtech Vision , a program that produces dynamic graphics that automatically update in real time , and CameraMan , which records and plays back Windows routines .
3 The rolling forest of Wensleydale that surrounded Bainbridge has gone now , with its deer and wild boar , but the horn that was blown at dusk every evening between Holyrood and Shrovetide to lead travellers out of the forest to safety still hangs behind the bar of the Rose and Crown , although it is blown now only at village weddings .
4 They therefore rarely see ‘ the complete picture ’ and tend to lose track of an issue once discussion of it has been concluded .
5 Men may , for example , both see themselves as ‘ stronger ’ than women and tend to see women as more weak and passive , but also see women as having a power over them that can seem to engulf the man in forms of emotional dependence by which he may feel threatened .
6 But unfortunately , professionals are often deeply mistrustful of advocacy organizations and tend to see advocates as intruders creating a barrier to communication between the professional and the service-user .
7 I mean in my opinion that 's a good thing , but it 's had the effect of school governors , not having had any training in appointing people , have this sort of stereotyped model in their mind and tend to give promotion to men rather than to women .
8 The appointment of Oleg Lobov , a former construction engineer and close friend of Mr Yeltsin , as a deputy prime minister responsible for the economy had shifted the balance of power within the government towards the Gosplan-types , who favour a return to central planning and tend to dismiss budget deficits as no more than an accountant 's fancy .
9 Librarians working in the various educational institutions see their work and their libraries in an active light , and tend to dismiss classification and indexing as necessary but tedious backroom tasks of a housekeeping kind .
10 Experimenters , who approach an experiment with a belief that their hypothesis will be borne out by the experiment , tend to make mistakes of interpretation that favour their hypothesis and tend to overlook interpretations which are unfavourable to it .
11 Another conclusion must be that if we as teachers are relative experts in our own subjects , and tend to read textbooks in our own subject area with the same skills as the Cornell students , then we may be insensitive to inadequacies in those textbooks .
12 It should not be forgotten that any crops sold off the land are ‘ extractive ’ and tend to lower fertility .
13 Burnt sites improve grazing and tend to concentrate herbivores such as elephant and buffalo or antelope , some of which , in turn , attract concentrations of carnivores .
14 Russians are robust and tend to avoid circumlocution ; he therefore said the figures were wrong and the American was a liar .
15 People communicate mainly verbally , and tend to expect horses to understand not only precise commands like ‘ whoa ! ’ and ‘ trot ! ’ , but also words with a more abstract meaning like ‘ steady ! ’ and ‘ easy ! ’ .
16 The genealogist has a job to sort it all out , so it is no wonder that many rose lists get into a mess and tend to lump types together more for brevity and convenience than for strict botanical clarity .
17 Taxes are generally distortionary and tend to reduce efficiency .
18 ‘ Quickest and cheapest ’ sounds an attractive proposition , but ‘ proceed with caution ’ might prove a sensible warning , together with a reminder that in many areas , LEA experience and expertise — on legal issues , employment law , salaries and conditions of service regulations and bulk purchasing facilities , for example — are first class .
19 One way of cutting costs of course is to get together with other people and bulk buy items such as rice , pulses , flour and cereals .
20 Some organized petitions which urged parliament to initiate reform , while most employed their money and influence to promote godliness .
21 Make cross-cuts on top of each potato and squeeze to enlarge cuts .
22 Maybe they should take a leaf out of horse racing 's book and introduce starting stalls. : - .
23 A built in 14,400bps modem , conforming to the V.32bis , V.42 error correction , V.42bis data compression and MNP2-5 protocols enables users to send and receive faxes and connect to telephone lines .
24 Worse still , Moscow appeared willing to exploit to the full the unstable post-war conditions , probing western defences in Germany and the Middle East , blessing the Chinese revolution ( 1949 ) , supporting the invasion of South Korea by the communist North ( 1950 ) , and seeking through force , demagogy and sabotage to spread Communism across the undeveloped world .
25 Suppliers should use this breathing space to obtain EC customers ' VAT numbers , and amend accounting systems to record the information on VAT invoices .
26 Since the 1950s the growth in power of computers has helped scientists like Pople give accurate pictures and make telling predictions about how simple molecules and their atoms stay together .
27 branches and make spitting fires from them ,
28 You should be able to go into turns and make centring movements without having to refer to the slip ball , yaw string , or ASI .
29 The money will help fund a resources library and make learning units available to small , remote groups either on loan or as permanent gifts .
30 One depicts Mary 's first husband , Francis II , three times rushing to welcome her in heaven , and three times finding that he can only embrace a headless body , so that he curses his people ; whereupon the poet exhorts them to forget their own troubles , and unite to destroy England and send its queen to a dreadful death .
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