Example sentences of "and [vb base] like [art] " in BNC.

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1 But what I 'm wearing now I 'll be wearing in a year or eighteen months , it does n't chop and change like a fashion ; the meaning it has now is the same one it will have in eighteen months ' time .
2 Furthermore , at a time of indeterminacy and change like the present , where there is frequently no strong institutional ideology to subscribe to , individual values matter all the more .
3 It seemed as if the phone itself was in paroxysm , all squawk and splat like a cabby 's radio .
4 And skulk like a fox ?
5 I had to dive in the corner and make like a garden gnome … ’
6 NeTpower machines are meant to look , feel and smell like a PC .
7 " But then , what else could I be when I look like a scarecrow and smell like a fox ? "
8 Do n't put it in a plastic bag in the fridge and save it for visitors ; before you know where you are it 'll have swollen to three times its size and smell like a chemical factory .
9 Zack knew enough to know all explosive gelatines both look and smell like the harmless confectionery marzipan .
10 Offpiste spring snow is easy to ski and smooth so concentrate on regular breathing ( in as you start the turn , out as you complete it ) , think ‘ light ’ and fly like a bird .
11 Fly.now , Creggan , and fly like the eagle we all might be .
12 Tonight I shall have a few pints , take Jenny out to dinner , probably attack a nice bottle of claret , and sleep like a stone .
13 Enough to have Jay fly home on the wings of Peter Pan and sleep like an angel .
14 Instinct was telling her to collapse against the nearest tree and cry like a baby , but instinct could go and chase itself .
15 Inspired , Yeremi sprayed a stream of incandescent rainbow plasma gobbets at a defence laser which was tracking in that forbidden direction , and rejoiced to see its shield fail and the shark-snouted gun warp and drip like a lugubrious runny nose .
16 I sit and fidget like a child .
17 In a poignant soliloquy , watching smoke curl into the sky like an ethereal question mark , he exclaims , ‘ Ah , human beings — they tremble and worry like a leaf in the storm because they know and because they do n't know . ’
18 Taste it , savour it — do n't simply chew and swallow , chew and swallow like a robot , hardly even knowing what you are eating .
19 How dared he come to his , Philip 's place , and act like a bird shooter .
20 ‘ And that was a challenge , ’ he recalled , ‘ to spend 45 minutes with a guy and act like a spy . ’
21 He is not to retaliate and must always be happy ; thankful for all the help he has received and act like a fucking Samaritan to those worse off then himself .
22 And yet it could still surprise him that a man could be a sensible and reliable scientist in his work and a fool with women , could show judgement in one area of his life and act like an irrational child in another .
23 Norman said that his day-dream was ‘ to walk up to any computer , plug in the card and have the terminal look and act like the one at home . ’
24 Mr Newby , the teacher nominally in charge , would suck a mint and listen like the rest of us .
25 I know I 'm no end of a brute , and roar like a bear when I lose my temper , but there 's no need to be quite so distressed by my presence .
26 For a brief moment , the terrible Red-Hot Smoke-Belching Gruncher made the lake boil and smoke like a volcano , then the fire went out and the awesome beast disappeared under the waves .
27 What you do is , you look at the environment and consider like the inputs and then you look at behaviour as outputs and you learn the relationship between the two and you do n't neces you do n't have to understand what goes on inside .
28 Or hide behind the curtains and bark like a Rottweiler .
29 The gigantically helmeted head of some biblical hero would stick out through the roof and stand like an Easter Island monolith among the chimneys and machine-gun emplacements , jewelled eyes blazing with golem life .
30 Certainly , he seem airily exotic with his cropped hair and face like an oriental cherub .
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