Example sentences of "and [vb base] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 To complete the idyllic farmyard scene , chickens , a mixture of varieties , strut and scratch about the driveway and the fields .
2 They would sit out in their deckchairs in brilliant sunshine , surveying snow-covered range after magnificent snow-covered range , and while they took refreshment , take snapshots of one another , and chatter about the delights of a winter sports holiday in the Savoy Alps , the more energetic would be trudging up from below on seal skins or swooping by from above demonstrating their skill .
3 Pesh Framjee of Binder Hamlyn 's Charities Unit agrees that fund managers are making a song and dance about the changes , ‘ but let us say there is no smoke without fire and a lot of wet leaves going round ’ .
4 A sign which went up on the Raiders ' dressing-room door after the match , advising that only Australian media personnel were welcome , bore witness to the visitors ' touchiness about defeat , though at least they did not follow Manly 's example and grumble about the referee .
5 Since many of the evangelicals shared Billy Graham 's opinions and valued his methods and saw the good which he did , his article stirred wrath among them and fear about the Bishop of Durham becoming the Archbishop of York .
6 Most burghers who voted for the right did so to express uncertainty and fear about the looming costs of unification .
7 Too much specialisation is bad for systems development ; it feeds the temptation to get engrossed in technical difficulties and forget about the underlying business needs .
8 Just work on this and forget about the restrictive diet side of the equation .
9 The day you go on holiday switch off the lights and forget about the fish .
10 ‘ The Japanese usually sponsor either the East coast or West coast , and forget about the Midwest ’ , he said .
11 " But I have no wish to bring dishonour on you or your family , and am quite prepared to hand him back to you and forget about the whole matter — on one condition. ;
12 I thought I could read Wordsworth and forget about the damned queue . "
13 certain of the elements combine so naturally and with so powerful an effect that we pursue that path of combination as a path in its own right and forget about the problem we are trying to solve .
14 Erm , can I imagine erm two abstracted intellects , each of them doing geometrical proofs and say about the two of them is they go through the group of er the infinity of prime numbers , each of them is working that through .
15 The Iranian Majlis on Dec. 29 addressed a letter of congratulation to the FIS , and on Jan.1 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei denounced what he described as a " hue and cry about the trampling of democracy in Algeria … after the Algerian people said yes to Islam " .
16 ‘ There was such a hue and cry about the cost of the tiny Thunderbird figures that this time round the toy company has decided to scrap them , ’ said Huge Von of Leisureworld in Belfast .
17 He said we owed you a favour , because of all that fuss and bother about the dog that was chasing sheep .
18 There seem to have been two main spurs to this research and writing : fascination about the intellectual origins of American republicanism and worry about the civic health of the nation especially after the trauma of the Vietnam war .
19 The therapist thought the overdose was not a serious suicidal attempt but appeared to be an impulsive act to escape from her feelings of loneliness and worry about the shop .
20 If your frequent flyer brochures would outwit a genius , fix them … and worry about the logo that you put on your tailfins at a later date .
21 But they always do the job , and worry about the recharge afterwards .
22 There would surely have been a strong argument for it to take its gauge from the parent line and worry about the break of gauge later , when it met the Cambrian — which of course would probably not have happened .
23 Dr Mowlam said Jeffrey 's asthma and eczema were getting worse as a result of the stress and worry about the money he has to pay for the medication .
24 Then if the weather 's OK we can have a walk in the afternoon and reminisce about the days when women stayed at home and looked after their menfolk . ’
25 I shift this extraordinary document across to the stack of papers I have read , then get up and walk about the room .
26 Get a friend to measure the distance between your head and the wall and add about an inch to the measurement .
27 Miss Harker was certainly very charming and many had hoped that her arrival might bring them some relief , but not one of them wanted to stand up in front of the boss 's relative and complain about the mill .
28 Shackel became indignant and said he would fetch a magistrate and complain about the Chief Constable 's attitude , which he did .
29 Only then did he stand with his back to the fireplace and look about the room .
30 If they feel that taxation is unfair , intelligent people take advantage of vastly improved financial communication and look about the world .
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